I hate the heat — and summer in general — so by the time my break rolls around, I’m actively in the “hate the universe” phase of being overheated. Because of this, I decide to run up to the convenience store about a block away to buy popsicles. My workplace doesn’t really h...
Note for UXP browser users: Due to the Pale Moon community being protective of consistent abusive hate speech and grave insults, I will no longer use Pale Moon, Basilisk or Borealis to test any entries or for anything else. PC browser entries that can't be reproduced in Chrome, Firefox, ...
奎托斯进化史。(reddit:IHateMyselfButNotYou) û收藏 17 17 ñ106 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...游戏博主 Ü 简介: 原PS5游戏基地,PlayStation游戏推荐、精彩视频分享!商务合作请联系 - QQ:839448696;微信 13261176756。... 更多a 微...
people have been amusing themselves by unearthing all those pious thinkpieces from the immediate aftermath – like the one that, after observing that the police were treating the incident as a ‘possible hate crime,’ felt the need to add: ‘The cautious wording...
Also, I think a piece of tech is good if I hate it but I simultaneously would recommend it to a client. Fuck Jenkins but man I don't think I would be commuting software malpractice by recommending it to a new client. That being said, git is awful and I have choice but to use it...
Join the AnandTech community: where nearly half-a-million members share solutions and discuss the latest tech. forums.anandtech.com A quad-core Intel + 8GB RAM + SSD boot drive still serves the majority of people just fine (well, maybe 16GB for Chrome these days lol). I hate throwi...
https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/comments/7cokyr/i_have_been_rejected_by_over_100_jobs_in_my_past/ - I have been rejected from 100 interviews. Never give up https://dev.to/ben/its-perfectly-fine-to-only-code-at-work-dont-let-anyone-tell-you-otherwise--25i3 - It's fine ...
People often hate the mayor of New York, and the current one is no exception. Here’s what he is working on: Mayor Adams Focuses Agenda on the ‘Working People’ of New York. You be the judge. Speaking of people more and more people hate, here’s something on Robert Moses: Robert ...
Working-class whites get no such luxuries. But as always, the real brunt falls on non-white people. What happens when you present inequality in terms of privileges bestowed on white people, rather than rights and dignity denied to non-white people? The situation of the oppressed becomes a ...
If you ever in downtown Toronto near the Toronto Dominion center, I recommend you check out this fine work of art. It is an oasis of calm. P.S. I remember when this sculpture first went in, for I was working at IBM and this sculpture went in right around when the IBM Tower on We...