i love word i love xu huan i love you baby and i i love you but i hate i love you for you i love you forever mo i love you more more i love you secretly i lowered my voice i m a dream i m all ears i m all yours i m alright i m busy i m coming out有道...
Fuck you! I hate you! Sounds of scuffle. 78. BILLIE (O.S.) (CONT'D) KIDS! LOOK WHAT YOUR FATHER’S DOING TO ME! INT. MCCANDLESS HOME, 136 ANNANDALE (PAST) 136 ELEVEN-YEAR OLD CARINE sits in the stairwell leading to her parent’s room where an argument ensues. Carine’s head ...
but it so hard to be but it still counts but it sure is hard t but it wasnt because but it worked but it would be beaut but its already here but its different and but its pennies in th but its so slashed an but its maker but its too late but iwas afool playin but id wake up...
1. Every bit of effort counts.(SV)2. I used to hate learning English.()3. I found remembering vocabulary most difficult,and boring as well.(Svoc)4. My English teacher gave me some good advice.()5. I read aloud for an hour every day! (SVA)6. I divide the one hour linto 10-...
love/hate sports, the arts…. All atheists have in common is a lack of belief in theism, which is “belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially belief in one god as creator of the universe, intervening in it and sustaining a personal relation to his creatures.” (Oxford Lan...
I hate to say it, but it is easy to cheat on your Exercise goal. I found this out when I decided to include housework as exercise. To do that, I picked “Other” as a workout on my watch. After 15 minutes or so of housework, I stopped the workout and checked the data, only ...
Things I hate about a thing I love: Poor Quality Control: Whether at the high end or the low end of the price range, we’ve all experienced pens with flaws that should never have passed inspection. We tolerate a failure rate that should be embarrassing to an industry making a relatively...
t happen. I think we can further break this down into two sub-questions: “what is the actual impact of these subs on our chances of having a bunch of people get deaded in war?” and “could the same impact be achieved by other, better, means?” What counts as better in the ...
The room is spare, supporting his monkish lifestyle. But on the desk before him, he counts out $500.68 from a bank envelope. He pockets those bills and change, then removes a check for $24,000 made out to OXFAM America from the same bank envelope. He scribbles a note: These are all...