This should be required reading for all girls when they become able to reproduce and for all young women who think they want kids (probably because of tv and their friends who are similarly deluded about what will happen). ...
people have been amusing themselves by unearthing all those pious thinkpieces from the immediate aftermath – like the one that, after observing that the police were treating the incident as a ‘possible hate crime,’ felt the need to add: ‘The cautious wording...
Note for UXP browser users: Due to the Pale Moon community being protective of consistent abusive hate speech and grave insults, I will no longer use Pale Moon, Basilisk or Borealis to test any entries or for anything else. PC browser entries that can't be reproduced in Chrome, Firefox, ...
I hate the heat — and summer in general — so by the time my break rolls around, I’m actively in the “hate the universe” phase of being overheated. Because of this, I decide to run up to the convenience store about a block away to buy popsicles. My workplace doesn’t really h...
Instead of vegetativing like that, I hope to spend my time reading more books, making things (from bread to furniture) and generally get out and do things. I would encourage you to do that as well. Finally, I am going to look for a select group of causes I can contribute time and... I want to make Make a VS Code extension I want to read Read a big, well documented codebase Great choice! Reading a big open...
Monica Maldonado,How Queer Women Made Me Hate My Body: Part 2N/A Monica Maldonado,How Invisibility Made Me Hate My Body: Part 3N/A Monica Maldonado,How A Second Try Made Me Hate My Body: Part 4N/A Monica Maldonado,How We All Made Me Hate My Body: Part 5N/A ...
I also didn’t really realize, until Bastion got sick, the level of responsibility taking care of elderly animals entails. I hate having this thought, but I don’t think my parents would have ever done the things we’ve done for our pets. Partially because they had a very different way...
By now, you may be feeling pretty depressed about all this. But believe it or not, there is something positive to take away from all this online hate. Internet hate-mongers such as anti-SJWs are nothing new or special, but simply the latest in a long history of backlashes against organ...
After the reading it was almost noon and we had hit the road. Walking out of the house I shook Scott’s hand & told him and I was glad we were able to meet. At the car, Diana gave Scott a hug and I walked over to Therese. We hugged long & tightly. It was so good, I was...