Despite the pressures of Akademy, quite a few things happened anyway, including Plasma’s release manager Jonathan Riddell releasinga beta version of Plasma 6.2while at the conference. I’m very happy with Plasma 6.2. It feels great already to me. I had no hesitation pulling down git master ...
Despite the pressures of Akademy, quite a few things happened anyway, including Plasma’s release manager Jonathan Riddell releasinga beta version of Plasma 6.2while at the conference. I’m very happy with Plasma 6.2. It feels great already to me. I had no hesitation pulling down git master ...
I am Scott Stearns, the test manager for the Microsoft Internet Explorer team (as Dean says we will be pulling together full bios of people later). The IE team as we usually say. Some of us have our individual blogs today, but we also wanted to have one that was focused on what we...
Then you can start pulling apart the fragment shader (do that first ‘cos pretty colours) and then the vertex shader, passing it more or less stuff and seeing what happens. However, everyone learns in different ways. I just worry that if you learn immediate mode first, you’ll get into ...
wok!吹爆她的俗女养成记[彩虹屁]【转发】@新浪电视:#谢盈萱金钟奖视后# 第57届台湾电视金钟奖戏剧类颁奖礼,谢盈萱凭借《四楼的天堂》拿下戏剧节目最佳女主角奖!林心如、杨谨华、范宸菲遗憾错失奖项。
I am Scott Stearns, the test manager for the Microsoft Internet Explorer team (as Dean says we will be pulling together full bios of people later). The IE team as we usually say. Some of us have our individual blogs today, but we also wanted to have one that was focused on what we...