I turned seventy-three on Monday, and getting old has made me more susceptible to memes about the past. My memories are fading away so I desperately want to cling to them. Emotions gnaw at me to make sense of everything I’ve experienced. The urge is to put it all down in words, b...
“That meme made it seem like I was an evil, hateful girl,” she said, while acknowledging that the phrase did help her become known. “That’s why I hate it so much because that’s not me… Y’all can’t judge somebody’s whole life off of a 30-second clip… I always wa...
I miss truly enjoying things, things I used to or even new experiences or even something so simple as chasing after dreams. To be trapped in survival mode only because the chemistry in my brain is faulty. Some days, not all days, I go through the motions only to get to the next day ...
My friend Dr. Greg Scorzo interviewed me a couple weeks ago for hisCulture on the Offensivepodcast series, and he used my essayLiberalism Needs a Housecleaningas a discussion springboard. I greatly enjoy talking with Greg, and I hate to let him down, which I feel I might have done right...
and why he also submitted to it. He knew he had what he needed to get through it. A caterpillar has all the genetic material it needs to digest and then transform itself.I hate this slightly less. Because I know that I have the love and the presence of God, and the gift of the ...
You're not going to enjoy your relationship any more. In fact, you're going to hate it. But what's worse, everything else in your life takes a backseat to dealing with this drama. There are so many women out there who willnotbe a distraction to you, and so many who will be abo...
Fuck no. I learned to get angry and, yes, to hate – Nazis and people who hurt animals mostly, but you get the idea. 9. I buy really great gifts! I’m very good at finding awesome gifts for family and friends, things that they love, mentioned once a long time ago or didn’t ...
You're not going to enjoy your relationship any more. In fact, you're going to hate it. But what's worse, everything else in your life takes a backseat to dealing with this drama. There are so many women out there who willnotbe a distraction to you, and so many who will be abo...