The VPN service is totally god-sent; Netflix and Hulu from USA, PPTV from China and many other entertainment sites that used to be limited are now free for us to explore and I really cannot be happier. I gotta say, I really love Freedom VPN! If you are a movie buff or drama addict...
2022-09-18: Like, Comment, Subscribe: How YouTube Drives Google's Dominance and Controls Our Culture by Mark Bergen (***). 416 pages. Published in 2022. 2022-09-16: Switch Craft: Harnessing the Power of Mental Agility to Transform Your Life by Elaine Fox (***). 319 pages. Published...
I caught the last two songs by opener Cope Acidic and wish I would have heard their whole set. Playing as a power trio, the guitarist/frontman brought shades of Bob Mould to the vocals, while the rhythm section brought the heat. Complex rhythms that never lost track of the core song, ...
7. Freedom’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades Usually by the time the plane takes off, I’m passed out in my seat with earplugs and an eye mask.James Kastnerobviously knows something I don’t because he captured this magnificent photo of the Freedom Tower (er, I mean “One World Trad...
15)Jurassic Park– Not a bad idea to find a toilet in the middle of a prehistoric park when having the crap literally scared out of you, but when T-Rex comes a knockin’…well there are better ways to go. 14)American Pie– Gotta’ love Finch and his issues with going in school bat...
I bought some packs of finger and thumb protectors fromhere. Being made of leather they really do protect your finger and your thumb from being stabbed with a needle. You wear them on your less dominant hand and use dominant hand to hold the needle. ...
Gotta love seeing “If you are aware of any opponents or opposing arguments, please send an email with a link to”!Edited to add: One argument I’ve since heard is that this set-aside is fine while the state has lots of money but could lead to tough choices if...
Before they took the name Outkast, Dre and Big went by 2 Shades Deep, and then The Misfits. When they learned that Misfits was taken they settled on the name they have today. But what does it mean? According to Dungeon Family member Big Rube, Outkast stands for Operating Under The Krook...
the lights went out. The shades on the window were closed and it made it very dark. “I wonder if these means that class is canceled,” Jennifer said. “Well, if the lights don’t turn back on soon, then I wouldn’t bother going,” I replied. By this time, the earth had stopped...
Roger replied that you really loved giving head, and that often you would wear him out before he got into your pussy. Larry eyed you, and you knew he was imagining you with Roger’s cock (or his own cock) in your mouth. Your dampness was growing, even through your slight blush. A ...