After dying of overwork in the real world, I’m reincarnated as an immortal witch, and I spend 300 years enjoying a relaxing life. At some point, though, I end up at level 99! All those years spent killing slimes to make the money to pay the bills gave me a ton of experience point...
Maybe you were an evil person in your past lives and were reincarnated as a voter of Bongbong Marcos and Sara Duterte last election. Maybe you were a Nazi in one of your past lives. You are a corrupt politician or belong to a corrupt political family or political dynasty – and are prou...
(1) A man was to learn from the spirits. He fasted and he would sleep four times. In the evening he would stand with both hands full of tobacco.Earthmaker madeWaterspiritsand put them in charge of the spirits, as many as there are above, all that are on the earth, they and all ...
¢ arresting apocalyptic animal dreams for the second night running... 2 nights ago i was catapulting CARIBOU at POLAR BEAR swimming in the middle of a vast lake & last night was a mixed herd of flying animals like a linear tornado screaming through the sky. i got hit by BAT & FLYING...
If that does not work, I will bring down the hammer, and give it the compassion of a quick death trap and not poison. Say “a mi tuo fo” and pray for it’s spirit to be reincarnated into a higher life form, ( possible?)maybe burn some incense. Maybe a Rat is just a rat. ...