father who was already an old manC.join in the holiday celebration of the companyD.finish her work before the deadline approached(3)The underlined word "foregone" in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ___.A.wastedB.lackedC.avoidedD.abandoned(4)What is the best title for the passage...
4 While I tend to buy a lot of books, these three were given to me as gifs, which might add to the meaning I attach to them. But I imagine that, while money is indeed wonderful and necessary, rereading an author’s work is the highest currencya reader can pay them. The best book...
Again, JWT is a standard, meaning that all JWTs are tokens, but not all tokens are JWTs. Because of its relatively small size, a JWT can be sent through a URL, through a POST parameter, or inside an HTTP header, and it is transmitted quickly. A JWT contains all the required ...
Shakespeare's phrase " I'll send him packing" has the same meaning today: I really don't want this person around me, so I'll send them away.莎士比亚的短语“I'll send him packing”至今仍然有着相同的含义:我真心不想让这个人在我旁边,所以我要打发他走人。It's also used in sport, to ...
Zhuyin, pinyin, vocab meaning, flashcard, example phrases for each word, example usage in literature and daily life, community comments, etc. I can literally learn the language by looking at this app more Developer Response , Chào bạn, cảm ơn bạn đã tin dùng Hanzii,...
6What is your meaning? 这句话的意思可不是询问别人“你的意思是……?”而是在问别人“你的人生有什么意义?” 似乎对方的存在没有必要,所以,这句话用错可就挺得罪人啦。 正确说法应该是: What do you mean? 你的意思是……?...
MeaningCloud (獨立發行者) Medallia Medium MeetingRoomMap Meisterplan Meme (獨立發行者) Mensagia Mensagia (獨立發行者) MessageBird SMS (獨立發行者) Metatask Michael Scott Quotes (獨立發行者) Microsoft 365 compliance Microsoft 365 message center Microsoft Acronyms Microsoft Bookings Microsoft Copilot for...
1 Explain the differences in meaning1 解释a),b)句意的不同之处。between Sentences a)and b).1 a)I often play basketball.1a)我经常打篮球。b)I am playing basketball now.b)我现在正在打篮球。2 a)She has gone to the Great Wall. 2a)她去长城了。b)She has been to the Great Wall.b)她...
2. What word has the same meaning as the underlined phrase “lend our hands"? Find it inthe passage.3. What's the Chinese meaning of “migrant workers”?4. Who's building the new China according to the writer?(三)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( ) 5. What does the report mainly tell ...
meaning [ˈmiːnɪŋ] n. 意思, 含意 means [miːnz] n. 方法, 手段;财产 meanwhile [ˈmiːnwaɪl; (US) ˈmɪnhwaɪl] ad. 同时 measure [ˈmeʒə(r)] v. 量 meat [miːt] n.(猪、牛、羊等的)肉 medal [ˈmed(ə)l] n. 奖牌 gold medal [...