I get money 太多的身影 负重在前进 睡梦中惊醒 钱堆里飞行 B.P.E:想法特别简单 不停make money 金钱世界里面遨游 忘了你姓名 灵感在24/7 买礼物送给我Parents 时间它可以去见证 钞票就是我的现任 shout to my Mom shout to my Friend shout to my Squad shout to myself whatever...
I get money money I got (I I get it) I get money money I got (Yeah) Money I got money I got (I run New York ) I get money money I got (I I get it) I get money money I got (I I get it) I get money money Igot (Yeah yeah) Money I got money I got (I run New ...
I get money money I got (I I get it) I get money money I got (Yeah) Money I got money I got (I run New York ) I get money money I got (I I get it) I get money money I got (I I get it) I get money money Igot (Yeah yeah) I take quarter water sold it ...
Grandmastaz - I Get Money (Originally Performed By 50 Cent Karaoke Version)
歌曲名:I Get Money 歌手:50 Cent 专辑:Curtis I Get Money 50 Cent I get money, i get money, I get I get I get money (50)I get money, money I got (I I get it)i get money, money I got (I I get it)i get money, money I got (Yeah)money I got, money I got ...
Jerry Jeff Walker - I Makes Money
I got my money Lets spend it up Go out and smash it Like Oh My God Jump off that sofa Lets get get crunk Fill up my cup (Drink) Mazel tov (l'chaim) Look at her dancing (Move it Move it) Just take it off Lets paint the town ...
《I Gotta Feeling》是由美国音乐团体黑眼豆豆演唱的一首嘻哈舞曲,歌词、曲谱由黑眼豆豆、大卫·库塔和弗雷德里克·里斯特共同创作。该歌曲作为专辑《The E.N.D.》中的第二支单曲,于2009年5月21日通过新视镜唱片公司发布。歌曲分别在澳大利亚、法国、英国、加拿大等20个国家的音乐排行榜登顶,并于2009年7月11日...