I did have some idea beforehand thatBig Owas a bit of a cult series, but the fact that the DVDs were so rare piqued my interest, so I had a nose around the show’s Wikipedia page (when in doubt…Wiki it) and found that the critical response to the show was sort of like…Marmite....
Nonphysical Other Heroes/Allies: Adam Strange | Ambush Bug | Aqualad (Garth) | Aqualad (Kaldur'ahm) | Artemis | Big Barda | Canary | Constantine | Creeper | Deadman | Detective Chimp | Diana Prince | Donna Troy | Dreamer | Etrigan | Frankenstein | Gleek | Harvey Bullock | Harvey Dent ...
2014: Jan: 40094 Snowplough | Feb: 40095 Micro Manager | Mar: 40096 Enchanted Tree | Apr: 40097 Helicopter | May: 40098 Dragon | June: 40099 Jet Ski | July: 40100 Beach Van | Aug: 40101 Monkey | Sep: 40102 Racing Plane | 40103 Rocket | 40104 Frankenstein's Monster | 40105 Gingerbrea...
[PDF] Déjà Vu: In twelfth grade, for AP English, we had to write some sort of something (it could be whatever we wanted) that combined two or more of the novels/pieces we'd read up to that point. I wrote this. It's a performance piece combining Frankenstein, The Iliad, and Haml...
Fav1Up1Down0Love1Hate0 Profile Minamiis a character from the Visual Novel9 R.I.P.. They have been indexed as男性 青少年 with 红色 eyes and 黑色 hair that is 齐胸 length. TraitAppearsOfficial 性别男性 眼睛的颜色红色 头发颜色黑色 头发长度齐胸 ...
Adam Strange | Ambush Bug | Aqualad (Garth) | Aqualad (Kaldur'ahm) | Artemis | Big Barda | Canary | Constantine | Creeper | Deadman | Detective Chimp | Diana Prince | Donna Troy | Dreamer | Etrigan | Frankenstein | Gleek | Harvey Bullock | Harvey Dent | Hippolyta | Jimmy Olsen | Ki...
Everyone who's known me for long enough knows that Manticore is my current favorite character. She overthrew Fate's Frankenstein for that spot a few years back, and she's continued to hold that spot. She may not be a particularly plot-relevant character in Arknights, but she's definitely ...
Replies: 1 Everyone who's known me for long enough knows that Manticore is my current favorite character. She overthrew Fate's Frankenstein for that spot a few years back, and she's continued to hold that spot. She may not be a particularly plot-relevant character in Arknights, but she'...
Colonel Hardy is a minifigure released in 2013 in the DC Universe Super Heroes theme. Hardy has a smirking head without accessories. He has a dark tan torso printed front and back with military armour, which contains a radio and pouches. His legs are als
Nonphysical other villains:Anti-Monitor|Black Beetle|Captain Fear|Chang Tzu|Cheshire|Doctor Poison|The Dummy|Enchantress|Felix Faust|Island Goon|Giganta|Killer Frost (Louise Lincoln)|King Shark|Klarion|Knitted Henchman|Lady Shiva|Malcolm Merlyn|Monsieur Mallah|Monster Man|Murk|Music Meister|Oom|Plastique...