7.I frame interval\": The usual I frame interval is 25. The resolu�on of local snapshot pictures and the interval �me of snapshots can be set for each channel of the device. The func�on of se�ng the organiza�onal structure is to preview channels in group,which user can...
intraframecoding intraframeimagecoder intrafusalfiberdischa intrafusalfibers intragastric-camera intrageniccrossing-ov intragenicmutation intragenicrecombinati intragenicsuppression intraglandular deep p intraglomerularmesang intragracilesulcus intrahepaticbile intrahepaticcholangio intrahepaticcholangio intrahepaticcholestas...
intervale intervaledscale interval encouragemen interval energy interval estimate intervalestimation interval estimation m interval estimation o interval factor intervalforecast intervalfunction interval gordon model interval grey fuzzy n interval grey trapezo intervalhalving intervalic interval incidence de interval...
FrameCameraBuilderClass FrameXformClass FunctionRasterDatasetClass FunctionRasterDatasetNameClass GCSShiftXformClass GenerateOverviewsParametersClass GenericObjectCrawlerClass GeometricFunctionClass GeometricFunctionArgumentsClass GeometricMedianFunctionClass GeometricMedianFunctionArgumentsClass GeometricXformClass Geo...
2) Support both RGB and YUV frame buffer for BT656/BT1120 output. 3) Support PAL and NTSC mode. 4) Support on the fly switch between PAL and NTSC mode. 5) Support CVBS output based on adv7391 TV encoder. 2. Hardware link between iMX6 and adv7391 TV encoder chip. IPU1_D...
upper frame of the square hole. Figure 3-42 Installing a cage nut 2. Install guide rails. Horizontally place a guide rail to the installation location through the positioning block at the front of the guide rail and the positioning hook at the rear of the guide rail. Fasten four M6 screws...
FrameCameraBuilderClass FrameXformClass FunctionRasterDatasetClass FunctionRasterDatasetNameClass GCSShiftXformClass GenerateOverviewsParametersClass GenericObjectCrawlerClass GeometricFunctionClass GeometricFunctionArgumentsClass GeometricMedianFunctionClass GeometricMedianFunctionArgumentsClass GeometricXformClass Geo...
Supports parameter settings: alarm times per exception, alarm interval, first alarm delay Supports searching real-time number of people People density detection: supports scheduled uploading, number of people change uploading, congestion level uploading ...
Si tratta in genere di problemi di rete, ma (raramente) possono essere causati anche da dispositivi che non producono framerate di output coerenti. Sincronizzazione audio/video Millisecondi Da -900 ms a 900 ms Questa metrica indica la sincronizzazione audio/video in millisecondi. Il v...
Supports parameter settings: alarm times per exception, alarm interval, first alarm delay Supports searching real-time number of people People density detection: supports scheduled uploading, number of people change uploading, congestion level uploading ...