. found . bought . brought . sent( )4. . order . job . memory . way( )5. . money . dinner . time . chance( )6. A took . pushed . cried . worked( )7. . cloudy . noisy . dark . warm( )8. . hated . afforded . decided . offered( )9. . cold . night . problem ....
Though they are useful for detecting shifts in the number and variety of species in an area, a new Stanford study has found that this type of record is not perfect. “With the rise of technology it is easy for people to make observations of different species with the aid of a mobile ...
Seeing a friend off. 【答案】C 【解析】 原文】M: Thanks for the wonderful weekend, Kate. W: That's okay. Bob and I are glad you came to see us. M: Oh, I have to go in. My flight will take off soon. Do contact me when you're in Sydney. W: Sure, we will. 2.【此处可...
Stanfordstudyhasfoundthatthistypeofrecordisnotperfect. “Withtheriseoftechnologyitiseasyforpeopletomakeobservationsofdifferentspecieswiththeaidofamobileapplication,”saidBarnabasDaru,whoisleadauthorofthestudyandassistantprofessorofbiologyintheStanfordSchoolofHumanitiesandSciences.“Theseobservationsnowoutnumbertheprimary...
I found the phrase to every thought I ever had, but one; And that defies me, — as a hand Did try to chalk the sun To races nurtured in the dark; — How would your own begin? Can blaze be done in cochineal, Or noon in mazarin?
M:I bought a desk and asked for it to bedeliveredto my house this Friday. W: Yes, what's the problem? M:I need tohave it deliveredthis Saturday. 4.What does the man want to do? A. Cancel an order. B. As...
A. A magazine column. B. A TV series. C. A historical novel. 19. What is Johnson famous for? A. His acting talent. B. His humorous writing. C. His long sports career. 20. When did Johnson join Sports Times? A. In 1981. B. In 1983. C. In 1985. ...
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本文节选自HeroesoftheEnvironment:TrueStoriesofPeopleWhoHelpProtectOurPlanet(NRDC)一书,作者是HarrietRohmer. 【答案】24.A25.C26.D27.A 【解析】 24题:细节理解题。根据第一段的第一句话“Ifheseemsalittledefensive,itmightbebecauseevensomeofhiscoworkersoccasionallylaughathisunusualmethods.(如果他看起来有点...