And when she was out on her wild business, such as rushing in a house to drag forth a sewing machine in payment for a debt, or getting herself worked up over some matter concerning the law -- they had toward her a feeling which was a mixture of exasperation, a ridiculous little inside...
i feel the weight of i feel very happiness i feel very strange i feel very tired i w i feel you all around i fell off i fell the gravity i felt anger i felt her shudder i felt his cold i felt honored i felt i could still i felt it then you ga i felt light headed i felt ...
if you die when there if you do not she you if you dont you are g if you dont want me t if you dont mind my a if you dont you are n if you ever see this if you fail to help h if you feel something if you feel what i fe if you finish if you forget if you had listene...
It was only when I tried to remove my head that I realized getting out was going to be less straightforward than getting in. When I pulled hard, my nose got in the way. I got into a panic as I pressed firmly against the table and moved my head around trying to find the right ...
own head but when I looked up these two dudes one guy the beard there's ah just going at it so the second I looked up I just feel like I just looked away that's all I did real quick too soon I just and then this girl was just clearing an iconic Alex Pizarro bus with a lyric...
When I was little, my dad would let me sit beside him on the porch while he painted. He would tell me how the cow by itself is just a cow, and the meadow by itself is just grass and flowers, and the sun peeking through the trees is just a beam of light, but put them all tog...
He began to feel unusually tired. (他感到反常的疲倦。) He feels light-headed. (他觉得头晕。) She has been shut-in for a few days. (她生病在家几天了。) Her head is pounding. (她头痛。) His symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, excessive fatigue, fever and chills. (他的...
When I walked into the living room, my 12-year-old son 36 up at me and said,“I love you.”I didn't know what to say. For several 37 all I could do was to 38 there and looked down at him.My first thought was that he must need 39 with his homework or he was trying to 40...
I had to keep up with Barb and it was all coming back to me, but also scary af. Ironically, even though I am competitive and like a bit of adrenaline, when I am on the mountain I like a good controlled speed, and when I go too fast–I do NOT feel like I have control and ...
In comforting her at the funeral, I tried to imagine if I was in her 8 how would I feel.As I was leaving the 9 , I ran into a Marilyn, who has been a true friend to me over the years.When she asked me how my job was, I started 10 things through.I was having a 11 week ...