I am the dirt-for art I Am The Hero I Am The Landlord I am the Law I Am The Prosecutor: No Evidence? No Problem! I Am Two People I Am Vegend I am weapon: Revival I am Your King I am Your Lawyer I Am Your President I Am Your President: Prologue I am Your Principal I Am ...
zoo Ah, as the temperature dips the craftiness increases. It’s nice to kill a whole night r even day by scrapbooking without feeling guilty about missing a great day outside. Clearly, I’m not the only one who feels this way as the ever fabulousCathy Zielsketweetedthis awesome meme. It...
mOiNiV5PWGekmCgmemEgwqeAgTIZEQZ6C4H+xTcQ6t4sbu45TfvjyzONL8/EL5fMxaVxaUQOYTV9 cRUriatYibcunGbJWDIvNA37+luX1uU1uS6A8oYlVYmXVCVeUpX4V1KV+MqKsCIvK/KalEwna9Qw X2OKQg1zUKjEOa3jtI2znF8WUZxx+UoM/izuZ8yK+Ssx+DGrKwb/0c8fswIBxeDHe5UYfIeM/U6H J8q00CHztJ9kfcU83jtUJHz68MnHzC+jerhnI...
Once this meant an empire: cricket fields on the Irrawaddy, mass graves in the silt. And it continues, in those stretches of the Spanish Riviera where there’s nothing to eat except beans on toast, but elsewhere things are stranger. In the refugee camp that once sprawled outside Calais, ...
every evening is a mini vacation as I step into the garden. The sunflowers are coming along and the cosmos have begun to bud. Fresh picked squash. Zucchini bread just pulled from the oven. The Patriotic Pumpkin Patch is promising for autumn picking. I’ve seen a meme that goes something ...
Yusuke Asai - Gimme Something/To Eat (solo)03.07 - 04.18Anomaly (Tokyo, Japan) (1)(13) Spaghetti Club (solo)03.08 - 04.04650mAh (Hove, East Sussex (England), United Kingdom) (1)(37) Sydney Vernon - When We See Us (solo)03.08 - 04.05Thierry Goldberg Gallery (New York City, NY, ...
My personal solution…I’m going to start eating some dirt. Build up my body’s immune system. No more pampering my body with gluten-avoidance. Being a GMO fraidy-cat. So precious with myself I can only eat organic. No. I want a body that can take on all comers. I want a body ...
Here’s the original meme from Facebook: I was eight on 1/1/60 and eighteen on 12/31/69. I have always thought the longest years of my life were from 1963 to 1969 because so much happened to me and the world I lived in during that time. For folks who didn’t grow up in the...
when I see this meme: My first reaction is: don’t be silly, nobody can find GOOD cargo shorts for under $15 but more importantly, why is my husband looking to buy me marked down shit? He had better walk into that jewelry store and offer to pay full price. Listen fellas, I know...
I asked my husband, and he can’t recall a time when he read in a men’s website, Instagram feed, or other male-dominated platform a meme in neutral colors saying something like, “Everything a child becomes is based on a mother’s love.” I HAVE SEEN TWELVE IN THE LAST WEEK. “...