弹琴吧tan8.com,中国的在线音乐兴趣教育社区,现注册用户突破100万。其音乐软件《弹琴吧》app、《钢琴谱大全》app和《吉他谱大全》app,安装量突破千万,好评如潮,小伙伴们快来加入吧。精选2万首iPhone/iPad/Android 钢琴谱,五线谱,乐谱,曲谱,免费下载,iPhone/iPad/Androi
古典吉他谱--I dream of you I dream of you Words by fu_lxc Dropped D Tuning n = E = B = G q = D = A = D Moderate h = 68 Page 1/2
我有个梦 I Have A Dream(西提.J.孙迪特 古典吉他) 热度: Idreamofyou Wordsbyfu_lxc DroppedDTuning n =E o =B p =G q =D r =A s =D Moderateh=68 : D D 4 4 c 1 ! B ! B % B # B $ B ! B $ B # B ! B !
《I Dream of You 我梦见了妳》原创钢琴曲谱,RobinSpielberg作曲 RobinSpielberg演唱(奏) 来源:词曲网,聆听小站上传,上传日期:2022/8/9 19:41:25。罗宾·斯皮尔伯格是这首美妙旋律的创作者。她出身于一个美国的音乐世家,不仅会弹钢琴、还会管风琴和小提琴。她曾就读于
艺声- Small Things 吉他和弦参考 自留学习 正规一辑 Sensory Flows 吉他教学参考 31 1 1:22 App 【乐个乐】钟铉 - 一天的尽头 End of a Day 吉他弹唱翻唱 17 -- 3:18 App 【NCT DREAM】Yogurt Shake 吉他弹唱和弦 吉他谱 教学参考 自留学习 195 -- 0:39 App 【乐个乐】SUPER JUNIOR K. R. Y....
All I do the whole night thru is dream of you F With the dawn I still go on and dream of you F7 You're every thought you're every thing A# A G# G You're every song I ever sing C Summer Winter Autumn and Spring [Verse 2] ...
()I play it cool but I'm dream()ing of you Dm7 G ()I'll keep my cool but I'm fien()din' [Chorus 1] C I try to say good(bye) and I choke G Try to walk a(way) and I stumble Dm7 Though I try to (hide) it it's clear ...
dream never- - ends CHORUS 1: Bb minor- - - Ab major- - - - Eb major- - - - - Bb minor I- - - - - - - - - - - - - see- - - - - - - - - - me through your eyes Bb minor- - - Ab major-- - - - Eb major-- - - - - Bb minor liv -- - - - - - ...
【附谱】Poppin'Party《Happy Happy Party》BanG Dream(电吉他完整版) 2463播放 【电吉他TAB谱 主音+节奏】Cycle Of Sorrow ダイヤモンドダスト(DIAMOND DUST) 3391播放 附谱| YOASOBI - 舞台に立って 1164播放 【TAB谱】败犬女主太多了!ED「LOVE 2000」八奈見杏菜 (CV. 遠野ひかる) 4306播放 败犬女主...
(I miss you) C Cmaj7/9/B Am G F Fm (I miss you) [Verse] C C/B Where are you and I'm so sorry Am G I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight C I need somebody and always C/B This sick strange darkness Am G Comes creeping on so haunting every time ...