WARNING:This website contains explicit adult material. You may only ENTER this Website if you are at least 18 years of age, or at least the age of majority in the jurisdiction where you reside or from which you access this Website. If you do not meet these requirements, then you do ...
Says Kulanen of working on the film, “As a composer, connecting with the production team to understand the vision is essential. The director’s bold proclamation in a CNN interview and the cinematographer Yinka Edward’s aspiration to scale up hinted at the need for grandeur. So, I aimed ...
Will we see him firing up the teabagger mobs—as if they need it—with a little “Philadelphia Freedom” at their next shoot-'em-up Nazi rally? Or maybe he'll give a private performance at the Vatican for the Pope Benedict, who'll be serenaded with “Bennie and the Jets”? How ...
She is one of the most talented and gracious actresses to have come out of the Nigerian movie industry. Liz Benson rode the movie industry from the 90s like a colossus.