I love memes. I make bad memes, but I like dank memes, who doesn't? I am good at editing videos and pictures, feel free to message me if you would like some work done. Thanks! Kole Overby Owner At: Chaos Network DanTheNali Videography Employee At: Neighborhood Mechanic Heinen's Powe...
I barely see people claiming they LOVE being American.” Cardi expressed interest in returning to school in order to take her political aspirations more seriously. “I do feel like if I go back to school and focus up I can be part of Congress,” she stated. “I deada-- have sooo much...
i dont car 没有e 因为没人在意#chillguy #memes #justchill,于2024年12月9日上线。西瓜视频为您提供高清视频,画面清晰、播放流畅,看丰富、高质量视频就上西瓜视频。
“i personally don’t tell people what they need or don’t need, or how to do a job i’ve never personally done.” 2. “demand a higher standard for your own local cops, with better training, decision making, and judgement.” 3. “if you don’t like the job cops are doing, ...
innocence. Maybe all of it does. Even if we are lucky enough to retain those friends from our youth, life changes. We don’t see these people every day like we used to. We don’t have the free time we used to. We may not even live in the same state or country as these people...
I may wish to chat with you and any number of other people, but very, very seldom at the same time. With regard to green vs blue bubbles, as I look at my text history, everybody I message with has an iPhone. I did not plan or parti...
African American feminist Bell Hooks teaches Black children to be proud of their background in "Happy to Be Nappy." The book earned a nomination for the Image Award from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. You may also like:50 famous memes and what they mean ...
So as much as I like freedom of speech and watching girls stick things in their asses…getting porn out of the mainstream and back in the back alleys and basements, where people are ashamed of their porn addictions and they keep it to them damn selves… ...
Do you ever look at something that is really popular or loved by the masses…and you just…don’t…get it? It happens to me sometimes, so I thought I would make a list of things I just don’t like or get. 1. The Bachelor/Bachelorette – Do people really think they are going to...
The meme recently took off again on Twitter, with people using it to give others genuinely helpful and blunt suggestions about everything from relationships and self-care, to finances and more. Others, however, are clearly created just for the laughs. Here's a selection of some of the best...