一、背景说明 今天使用在Cygwin中git clone时报fatal: I don't handle protocol 'https',如下: 以为是Cygwin实现的git有点问题没太在意,换去cmd执行,但一样是报fatal: I don't handle protocol 'https' 而且有个Warning: Your console font probably doesn't support Unicode.又因此以为是字体问题 标题...
1 user@host> gitclonehttp://github.com/douduck08/foo.git ... fatal: I don't handle protocol 'http' or fatal: I don't handle protocol'https' 今天終於知道原因與解法了。 本來以為這是 windows bash 的某種 bug,但原來只是字元問題。 在git clone與https之間雖然看起來是空白,但其實另外夾著一些...
网上搜这个错误基本都是“fatal: I don't handle protocol 'git@https'”的情况,最终在同事的帮助下解决: 解决办法: 打开.git/config 将[remote “origin”]选项下的url的值从git@http开头改为http开头,即去掉最前面的git@
$ fatal:Idon'thandleprotocol'https' 问题分析 Git是支持https的,这点毋庸置疑,所以肯定不是Git的问题。 那问题可能出现在自己进行remote add的时候可能是Github仓库的地址出了问题。 解决方法 删除错误的Git仓库地址,重新添加即可 $ git remote rmorigin$ git remoteaddoriginyourURL...
bower resolve git://github.com/angular/bower-angular-animate.git#1.4.x bower ECMDERR Failed to execute "git ls-remote --tags --heads git://github.com/jquery/jquery-dist.git", exit code of#128fatal: I don't handle protocol '[https ...
git clone https://github.com/jczic/MicroWebSrv2.gitand run: cd MicroWebSrv2 && pip install --user .Solution 3, download the ZIP file and extract it to a folder of your choice.🚦 DemoStart the example: > python3 main.py Open your web browser at: http://localhost to view the ...
nuxi: Don't include nuxt3 for bridge projects (#663) nuxt3: Provide NuxtWelcome component from design (#745) nuxi: Dx improvements when creating components/ directory (#749) nuxi: Provide install advice if git fails (#923) nuxi: Respect --port arg (#919) nuxi: Warn if user does ...
react-native-gitfeed ★1709 - Yet another Github client written with react-native(iOS & android) Finance React Native ★1680 - iOS's stocks app clone written in React Native for demo purpose. Quirk 🐙 ★965 - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for iOS and Android. TaskRabbit's Sample App ★802...
git clone https://github.com/libimobiledevice/libimobiledevice.git cd libimobiledevice ./autogen.sh ./configure.sh --prefix=/usr --disable-openssl make sudo make install I hope this can help someone else with this issue! If you have any problems, feel free to leave a comment and I’ll...
git clone https://github.com/WaterJuice/WjCryptLib.git This will download the repo to a directory calledWjCryptLib. With in that directory run the following commands to build it. docker run --rm -v $PWD:$PWD -w $PWD build-linux cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=bin ...