•iam-py-testfor being the day-to-day maintainer of Legitimate URL Shortener as of November 2021, and for contributing to several more of my lists. If you've contributed to or helped me and you aren't on the above list, don't feel bad about it. I still give my regular thanks to...
If you're behind, don't fret. There are ways to catch up. The key is to take action.How much do you need to save for retirement? It's one of the most common questions people have. And no wonder. There are so many imponderables: When will you retire? How much will you spend in...
donmccurdy/hex2dec - Arbitrary precision decimal↔️hexadecimal converter. kdzwinel/betwixt - ⚡ Web Debugging Proxy based on Chrome DevTools Network panel. ladjs/lad - Node.js framework made by a former @expressjs TC and @koajs team member. Built for @forwardemail, @spamscanner, @bree...
Windows Store Tips: Turn off Internet Client in Visual Studio if you don’t use the Internet[Windows Store Tips] When you create a new Windows Store project in Visual Studio 2012 it...Date: 10/19/2012Oooh…. sweet. Netflix is in the Windows StoreI love Netflix. My family love Net...
If you happen to catch a lucky break as we did, be prepared to do whatever it takes to make the most of it in the short amount of time you’re in the media spotlight. 5. Don’t forget to include the “so what” factor in your story. I have found that my most successful ...
New stations are featuring the hunt, Reddit communities are buzzing with collaborations, and our inboxes are getting quite a bit of messages from treasure hunters wondering if they'll stumble on a new clue. While we don't have any information about the location of the treasure chests or any...
baby sit your exes kid but I think you’re the AH for speaking the way you are to a 6 year old. I can FEEL the hate via text. (You’ve referred to the child as an “it”) now do what you like with your friends etc but for the love of god don’t do that with your ...
I.M:"Zaddy" is one of my favorite songs of Ty's, and when I have to test my audio — my headphones, my big speakers — I test with this song because the bass is dope. Mashable: You know what zaddy means, right? I don't know what the song means. I just like the vibe. I ...
Don’t get hung up on your domain name. While it’s certainly helpful to have a good one, there are thousands of hugely popular sites with terrible domain names no one understands. In other words, it’s not really a “make or break” factor for your site. Give yourself a few days ...
I want to click video links on Reddit but I don't want to pause my music First World Problems