With Alignment Chart Meme Creator you can: - Create your own free Alignment Chart memes (Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Evil). Tap on the image placeholder to add a new image for a specific alignmen...
In both cases, I learned skills I didn’t have until I wrote the code. Those skills have value for the next time I do have to solve an important problem. Besides that, I enjoyed myself while coding. I was proud of myself for getting the code to work. That enjoyment and pride have...
This blind trust in alignment resembles our current approach to security. The slogan “security is everyone’s responsibility” was meant to foster vigilance but often dilutes accountability. When responsibility is diffuse, clear, enforceable safeguards are frequently absent. True security—and true AI ...
Uzeyman:On my first film, he was [acting] and producing the music. It was the beginning of that collaboration, finding the language and how complementary we could be. I think it’s a very organic process where we exchange a lot. We discuss things that we are thinking about or preoccupie...
When you get your character card and the alignment says “Chaotic Evil” with a minor in “Leftism” you get an automatic +25 to weasel words. Twisting words -especially other peoples is a primary skill. RES says: August 28, 2020 at 10:43 pm I saw those clips of CNN anchors* and...
3 frames. Feminism, Dreams, and Animation: 0304 Beginning with Some Advertisements for Criticisms of Myself, or Drawing the DogYou May Want to Use to Bite Me With, and Then Going on to Other Matters, Yvonne Rainier. 2 frames. 0306 Integrating Marxist and Psychoanalytical Approaches in ...
so imprecise for economists whosee a chance to elegantly align interests and make the system work smoothly. The only problemis the alignment of interests suggested by Jensen and Meckling works just as well – maybeeven better – if management just cooks the books and lies. And ...