Kill the dead memes lol! AirWay1@Way1Air People diagnosed273 0 0 0 Games #Sonic3AIRMemeKiller 19 Diagnosis results:Fixed Name-based diagnosis Your name Diagnose Creator AirWay1 @Way1Air YMV27J7Y8P 27300 Follow ShindanMaker ...
Now that you are through the initial urgent phase of reflex action and hunkering down into survival mode, if more changes are coming, you DO now have sufficient time to follow processes more completely. Therefore, do so. The principle of good faith means you try your best to follow the no...
When there is an error (5:26), he can instantly diagnose the problem and swap out the parts needed to fix it, no angle grinder necessary. Immediately after fixing it, he tried again and dropped thirty thousand in a row with zero errors. Four years well spent, I’d say!
不重要等; 要紧、不要紧等: It makes no difference (to me) what you say: I'm not going. 不管你怎麽说(对我来说)都无所谓, 反正我不去. *| It won't make much difference whether you go today or tomorrow. 你
Jun 2012 TEDxPeachtree Ami Klin: A new way to diagnose autism 19:44Jun 2012 TED2012 John Hodgman: Design, explained. 06:23Jun 2012 TED2012 Damian Palin: Mining minerals from seawater 03:01Jun 2012 TED2012 Terry Moore: Why is 'x' the unknown? 03:57Jun 2012 TEDMED 2012 Diane Kelly: ...
若是后接名词,则通常用介词with。 I had difficulty with my schedule. 有时也可后接 about (doing) sth。 I won’t have any difficulty about it. He has some difficulty about getting you some money. 有时也可后接 of doing sth。 He wanted to tell me the difficulty of making money from th...