老外对你说pick your brain可不要想歪了!这是好事啊! 2021-10-11 05:30:0001:27821 所属专辑:桔子口语 声音简介 如果想获取音频讲解笔记,请关注威信公众号:桔子口语 然后回复「嘴巴」两个字就可以拿到所有往期笔记啦! 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 ...
大家在看美剧的时候是不是经常看到“pick your brain”这样的表达,千万不要误以为这是骂人的话,如果理解错意思,会让别人笑掉大牙。 实际上,pick your brain是指“我有问题想请教你,征求某人的意见,向某人学习”。 If you have some time later, I like to pick your brain about some legal issues. 你要...
I would like to pick your brain.What can I do? That was my fault.So, I missed to buy a type of ticket.I would like to go skiing.but,I bought "Admission & Activities ticket" Then,I know I can not to use this ticket for skiing. What should I do? over a year ago ...
换言之,Pick one’s brain的意思就是想要向某人取经。 当有人来问你“Can I pick up your brain?”的时候,他们可能是想和你坐下来,向你询问关于某个事情的一些问题,因为对方认为你在这件事情上比他了解的更多,更有看法。 毋庸置疑,“Can I pick your brain?” 完全可以成为你职场的制胜法宝。 在职场中善...
I should pick your brain. 美[ aɪ / ʃʊd /pɪk / jʊr / breɪn ] 我应该向你请教。 你的口语能打多少分?【点击】这里进入小程序,快来免费测试一下吧! 别忘了 点“在看” 每天一句口语练习: 1、每天一句,从慢到快,要记得...
(第五集) 1.Take your pick 随你挑 例句:We have enough money to buy any DVD player this store has so take your pick. ( 因为我们钱很多所以我们可以挑任意一个DVD。) 2.That was bad line 向异性示爱的话说的不太好例句:I didn’t give her my phone number because she use the terrible ...
回答和翻译如下:You are nicer. I want to pick your brain.你好些了。我想选你的脑袋。
What’s your plan? She kicks him again. CHUNG-SOOK (CONT’D) What are you going to do about it? What’s the plan, genius? She treats Ki-Tek like shit, but it doesn’t bother him. He rises with the most serene, enlightened smile, then plods over to the -- LIVING ROOM ...
its easier to touch its end it all its finally you and i its funny that your c its getting kind of t its gonna be from me its great to see you its great youre doing its hard for me to sa its heavy on my brain its in the cabinet wi its just a weird tric its just another lie...
i prefer saving money i prefer science to d i prefer sticks i prefer this book i produced pears i put colorful i put my h in my fath i put my name i put my objections b i put my two hands in i put your satisfacti i questioned her i quit law i racked my brain i racked my ...