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I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever (我可以永远歌唱你的爱) (Live) - König der Piraten Written by:Martin Smith Over the mountains and the sea Your river runs with love for me And I will open up my heart And let the healer set me free I'm happy to be in the truth And...
I Could Sing of Your Love Forever - Flying Colors Over the mountains and the sea Your river runs with love for me And i will open up my heart And let the healer set me free I'm happy to be in the truth And i will daily lift my hands For i will always sing of Of...
Your river runs with the love for me And I will open up my heart And let the healer set me free I'm happy to be in the truth And I will daily lift my hands For I will always sing of when Your love came down I could sing of your love forever I could sing of your love foreve...
我要永遠歌頌祢的愛I could sing of Your love foreverMartin smithCCLI #1 1 33585 收藏 分享 下载 举报 用客户端打开
Songs include: Better Is One Day - Come, Now Is the Time to Worship - Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble? - The Happy Song - I Will Exalt Your Name - Joy - Once Again - Set Me on Fire - Shout to the Lord - Trading My Sorrows - You Are Merciful to Me - and more.Various...
在Apple Music 上欣赏Oasis Worship的《I Could Sing of Your Love Forever (Live)》。1999年。时长:5:39