9分达人第62套P2_I contain multitudesbili_30554440185 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 11 0 00:32 App 9分达人第62套P1_The White Horse of Uffington 34 0 00:51 App 9分达人第14套P2_Corporate Social Responsibility 11 0 00:41 App 9分达人第59套P2_The Desolenator producing ...
你好,本期为你分享的书叫《我包罗万象——我们体内的微生物以及一种更宏大的生命观(I Contain Multitudes — The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life)》,从书名可以知道,这是一本介绍微生物的科普书。我包罗万象,这个书名来自19世纪美国诗人惠特曼的诗句。惠特曼的诗集《草叶集》是英文诗歌史上的殿...
<前页 1 2 3 后页> > 我来写笔记 > I Contain Multitudes 作者: Ed Yong 副标题: The Microbes Within Us and a Grander View of Life isbn: 1847923283 书名: I Contain Multitudes 页数: 368 出版社: Bodley Head 装帧: Hardcover 出版年: 2016-9-1©...
I contain multitudes 显示生词 显示重点词 本文词汇 Tip:单击查看句义;划选/双击查生词 Wendy Moore reviews Ed Yong's book about microbes Microbes, most of them bacteria, have populated this planet since long before animal life developed and they will outlive us. Invisible to the naked eye, ...
聊聊Dylan的新歌《IContainMultitudes》 Bob Dylan发行了他的第二首新歌,《I Contain Multitudes》,标题出自美国大诗人沃尔特.惠特曼的不朽诗篇《Song of Myself》。如果把这首歌接到上一首《Murder Most Foul》,二者合并变成一首20多分钟的长歌,估计也没多少人能听得出来。无论是音乐还是演唱,二者几乎完全是同一种...
(There are studies indicating →that the excessive use of household detergents and antibacterial products )→ destroys the microbes← that keep the more dangerous germs at bay. 长句翻译: 一些研究表明家用洗涤剂和抗生素产品的过度使用事实上破坏了正常的微生物生存,而这些微生物可以抵御真正危险的细菌对我们...
《我包罗万象 英文原版 I Contain Multitudes 微生物视野下的生命图景全纪录 精装 英文版 进口英语原版书籍》,作者:我包罗万象 英文原版 I Contain Multitudes 微生物视野下的生命图景全纪录 精装 英文版 进口英语原版书籍Ed Yong 著,出版社:Ecco,ISBN:9780062368591。
Not to be outdone by The Grateful Dead, a crucial thought to maintaining this ethos rings truest in a line from a recent Bob Dylan song, “I Contain Multitudes”:“I’m a man of contradictions, I’m a man of many moods, I contain multitudes.” It somehow embodies how I feel as I ...
It possibilizes the realization of more - than - human concepts such as the dissolution of subjectivity turning my identity into a collective: I contain multitudes and sing myself. Knowledge creation and meaning making are thus connected with what situated knowledges makes possible and mobilize, ...
“I Contain Multitudes” is Bob Dylan’s second surprise new song in three weeks, making it seem increasingly likely that the Nobel Prize winner has a new album on the way – which would be his first collection of original songs since 2012’s Tempest. The Walt Whitman-referencing new song...