All Good Things (Come To An End) Nelly Furtado Loose 44 Good Is Good Sheryl Crow Wildflower 39 Big Girls Don't Cry Fergie The Dutchess 39 Wake Me Up When September Ends Green Day American Idiot 37 Accidentally In Love Counting Crows Shrek 2 36 Beautiful Day U2 All That You Can't Leave...
What? “We hire lots of people out of college every year, and they all come in knowing MySQL. All my prototypes are written to MySQL, and now I have a big base of MySQL apps I don’t want to port, and a bunch of MySQL programmers I don’t want to retrain. So I’d like a ...
At the halfway mark Bruce Willis was the leader in the clubhouse with 8 movies watched…..but I have only watched one other Bruce Willis movie in the last 6 months. 2. The tally count includes 25 entire television series seasons that I binge-watched. The highlights of those television sho...
I’ve been updating my comic and video game want lists throughout the weekend, had a few of my top wants come in, so I keep updating those on my site, and every time, when I look at the top card wants? It’s all kind of a blur of names and numbers to me. Which happens, we...
Now, for what I’d like to accomplish in these arenas this year: Trading Cards: Here are the rough notes I put together for this piece on cards: 1. Come up with plan for current-year Topps cards 2. Decide which side sets you’re gonna keep getting ...
Audio: Bob Dylan Interviewed By Nat Hentoff Part Two, February 1966 –‘If I had come out and sung “Desolation Row” five years ago, I probably would’ve been murdered.’ February 20, 2015 Bob Dylan’s ‘Shadows In The Night’ Drops To #22 In U.S. February 20, 2015 Audio: Bo...
Come on!保持队形,走着! 分享502 刀小蜻吧 魔评氏纾林 【诗意流觞】《董小姐》——Miss.YOU KNOW1L献给 天下所有的朋友 我们相信爱情 我们也相信友情 分享441 苏打绿吧 苏打小猫 有才同学进来原创些韵脚为“i”或“in”或“ing”的歌词吧。我。。。我就先不示范。。。怕丢脸。。。只是想。。。如果大家都...
Audio: Bob Dylan Interviewed By Nat Hentoff Part Two, February 1966 –‘If I had come out and sung “Desolation Row” five years ago, I probably would’ve been murdered.’ February 20, 2015 Bob Dylan’s ‘Shadows In The Night’ Drops To #22 In U.S. February 20, 2015 Audio: Bo...
Fast As A Shark Fog in the streets A church clock beats Midnight - darkness all around You better beware You better take care Be prepared for the shock The time has come And he's the one Who's breathing down your neck Coming from behind Now it's your time A loser will die Fast as...
in a way. I think that people are going to come out of this different than they went in. There are many people that want to go back to work now, and I don’t think it’s going to be that easy. I think this is going to last long enough to kind of instill a change in people...