Why can’t my iTunes Store connect to the internet Why can’t my iTunes Store connect to the internet? 2 years ago 115 1 i cannot connect to app store or i tunes after last update I have issue where I cannot connect to the App Store while on Cellular but connects on Wifi. This...
My cellular network is down My cellular network is down my App Store is down as well but my iTunes works perfectly any help?? 4 years ago 94 1 i cannot connect to app store or i tunes after last update I have issue where I cannot connect to the App Store while on Cellular but ...
Apple disclaims any and all liability for the acts, omissions and conduct of any third parties in connection with or related to your use of the site. All postings and use of the content on this site are subject to the Apple Developer Forums Participation Agreement and Apple provided code is...
Let me connect you to someone who can help. If you need to step away, don't worry. We'll send you a message when we're ready for you. Apple may record, use, and keep a transcript of this conversation to provide the support you have requested, for quality control and training purpos...
iTunes Connect 和 App Store Connect 3、确认 向您推出 App Store Connect 2018年6月5日 针对App 开发人员及其团队,iTunes Connect 现更名为 App Store Connect。您还可以通过新的 App 版 App Store Connect,更便捷地管理您的 App、查看趋势、回复评论,以及回应“解决方案中心”的有效问题,这些都可以在您的 ...
管理你在 iTunes Store 和 Apple Books 上的内容。 进一步了解 iTunes Connect
I have an apple developer account, with the annual fee up to date, but when accessing App STore Connect the following message appears: “To access App Store Connect, you must be an individual or team member in the Apple Developer Program or be invited by another person to access your conte...
iOS 上传应用到iTunes Connect时只提示“上传到App Store时出错“ 爱薄荷关注IP属地: 江苏 2018.02.23 11:41:39字数170阅读725 1.问题描述 在上传App的新版本时, 不管是直接上传还是通过Application Loader, 都会通过不了“正在通过App Store进行鉴定”这个步骤, 并只提示“上传到App Store时出错“. 问题提示框...
You may wonder a solution to fix your account has been disabled in the app store and iTunes. Find the reason and how to fix in this article.
Cannot connect to iTunes Store 无法连接至 iTunes Store。出现这种提示的可能情况有:沙盒环境暂不可用...