We really felt free to ask questions and Mrs Pathak would give the answers.If she did not know—there had been some occasions (场合)—she would say so.We all then tried to find out the answers.Whoever came up with the answer was appreciated and given the due credit (应...
There was another ___ for her trip. At three years old, she was diagnosed with neurofibromatosis (神经纤维瘤病), which caused tumours (肿瘤) to ___ in the brain and nerves. After age 15, she required many surgeries to receive treatment for the disease, but she ___ life and entered...
There is nothing like the feeling of solving problems as a team.1. What was the purpose of the writer and his wife entering the room in Montana for the first time? A.To take part in an activity. B.To investigate a case of a missing scientist. C.To prove their ability. D.To ...
fromyou,butactuallytherearealwaysnewways ofdoingthingsthatcansaveyoutimeondaily tasks,freeingyouupforthemostimportant.Alwaysbelookingforanew waytogainbackan hourhereorthere. ·Lightenup. Theworldwon?tcometoanendinmostcasesjustbecauseyouleftafewthingsundone.Celebrateprogressandkeeprefining(改进)towarda happy...
A. was still being questioned by the police B. hasn’t been arrested ye C. had escaped in a car earlier in the day D. is being controlled by the police 66. What do you know about the Paxham-Longworth road? A. An accident happened there and the traffic was diverted. ...
Since the database was set up, the Woodland Trust has 4. added(添加)over 180, 000 trees, but it believes there are many more to be found. It's hoped that all 5. members(成员)of the public will help to locate them-including you. You can take an 6. active(积极的)part in the ...
There was plenty of roomfor imp roveme nt. heprobl em swith th en at ions cuisinecan be traced back to theSecond Wo Part IIﻩﻩRead ing Comprehension (Ski ing and Scanni ng)ﻩﻩ rl dWa r.Before t he W ar, much o fBri ta in 's fo od was i ( 15 minutes) mported an...
was 回答错误!正确答案:B Neverinmylife___suchathing. 收藏 A. haveIheardorseen B. Ihaveheardorhaveseen C. Ihaveheardorseen D. didIhearorsee 回答错误!正确答案:A —___—Idon’tlikebrightcolor. 收藏 A. WhatcanIdoforyou? B. Whatabouttheredone? 82/502 历年考试真题整理 C. Whatdoyouwant...
A. she was ill and couldn’t run B. she hurt her left leg last week C. she ran slowly in her school. 【4】 Class Four won the boys’400-meter relay race because ___ . A. there are more boys in it B. the boys are all very tall C. it has a strong team 【5】 ___ won...