5月25日,当地4名白人警员在执法过程中,将黑人男子 George Floyd 制服在地,其中一名警员用膝盖压住男子颈部长达数分钟。尽管黑人男子呼救" I can’t breathe”(我不能呼吸了),警官仍然没有松开。随后 George Floyd 在被带到警察局之后不幸死去。这件事情在种族问题非常敏感的美国迅速发酵,黑人们打砸抢烧,以...
The city of Minneapolis will pay the estate of George Floyd $27 million after thecity councilon Fridayunanimouslyvoted to settle alawsuitwith his family. 周五,明尼阿波利斯市议会一致投票通过与乔治·弗洛伊德家人的诉讼和解,该...
乔治弗洛伊德(George Floyd)生前最后的一句话“I can’t breathe!/我无法呼吸!”在美国领土的各个角落回响着。在Covid-19的封锁刚刚缓解的当口,几乎美国所有首要城市里都充斥着对警方的抗议与暴动。美国人怒了。 图源:sallustration 我们或许会把当下的情况简单的看作“美国的种族歧视问题”。如果你不是黑人或者美...
late Friday morning and charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter four days after he pinned his knee on Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes Monday at the intersection of E. 38th Street and Chicago Avenue as the unarmed and handcuffed man told him he couldn’t breathe....
从被美国警察虐杀黑人的“I can’t breathe”到美国体制 作者| Chairman Rabbit 来源| tuzhuxi(公众号:chairmanrabbit) 兔主席 继续昨天的闲聊。 1、 George Floyd之死和时代口号——“I can’t breathe” 这两天美国的大事不是COVID-19疫情,而是明尼阿波利斯的种族暴乱。我也特意看了一下CNN记者在直播报道现场...
此后, “我无法呼吸”(I can't breathe)成为伸张正义者的口号。 许多网友在推特上纷纷跟帖回复,“我无法呼吸”,并贴出了弗洛伊德遭暴力执法时的照片来批评美国警察对非洲裔美国人的歧视。 breathe的常用短语: 用作动词 (v.) breathe in( v.+adv. ) ...
"True story," responded Ava DuVernay after the "Selma" star recounted being accused of "stirring s**t" when cast and crew wore "I Can't Breathe" shirts. 大卫欧洛沃和《逐梦大道》演员们曾在首映会穿上「我无法呼吸」。 大卫欧洛沃近日在网路谈话节目《Screen Talks》揭开这段往事,《逐梦大道》...
“I can’t breathe” were the last words spoken by Eric Garner (July 17, 2014), Javier Ambler (March 28, 2019), Elijah McClain (August 30, 2019), Manuel Ellis (March 3, 2020), and George Floyd (May 25, 2020). While these African American men died as a result of police brutality...
华春莹发推:“I can't breathe”,《小丑》剧情要在美国上演?因黑人男子乔治·弗洛伊德被白人警察“膝盖锁喉”致死,全美抗议活动已从明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯蔓延至美国各地超过20个州30多个城市。“I can't breathe”成为抗议示威活动中出现最频繁的标语。不过现在游行的性质已经改变,许多人借着示威游行的契机开始对...