Good news for me, I’m very much NOT famous so I can check out anytime I like and ALSO leave. California – Phantom Planet. Hi, I’m a millennial and therefore all of my preconceived notions of what it’s like to grow up in California came directly from Saved by the Bell, 90210...
I was recently asked if I was planning a vacation this summer. No; I have precious few days left that I can take off from work. That being said, every evening is a mini vacation as I step into the garden. The sunflowers are coming along and the cosmos have begun to bud. Fresh pick...
a brown wooden dresser lines the right side of the wall next to a television and a couple of photos of my grandparents on each side.Their bed is my safe zone.I can jump on it anytime-waking up my parents if I am scared or if I have an important announcement that cannot wait until...
141. “Sometimes it is too late to say sorry and I don’t want to waste this time. I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart. I do not want to lose you!” 142. “You can say sorry in over 1000 ways. Only when it comes from the heart, does it matter?” 143. “I und...
iSeries Guide is your one-stop, 24/7 TV companion . It makes TV simple again – anywhere, anytime. Always know what to watch with your personalized guide. Chat with friends while watching TV. Discover new favorite movies and shows.
Read ahead if you want to explore the basics of meme-making and use it to your advantage on your Facebook page. Stay Relevant With Trends Be it a celebrity, TV show, movie, or any other event, there’s always something trending on the Internet. You can use these topics as themes and...
the number is very small considering that at any given time in the temperate zones incoming solar irradiance might be over 1,100 W/m2 and is highly variable to boot. I wondered “How does one measure this imbalance number and how well can we characterize its uncertainty?” What I expected...
But time with your family can be tough. It is for everyone. It’s even harder when you’re all keeping secrets and trying to forget a memory—a missing person, an act of revenge, the man in the black truck who won’t stop following your car—and especially when at least one of you...
Does that stop me? Also, no. This year I think I had my most successful attempt, so we’re back, back again. This time I didn’t try to trick myself into reading books that have been sitting on my shelves for years. Nope, I went with the shiny new ones, books that were added...
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