Saying things like he’s going to put blacks on plantations shows how damaged their minds are. It’s silly and could never happen. Presidents of the US still need congress and the senate to approve them and they have to be legal. You guy’s need to relax and stop saying stupid things...
as they make up their minds to be."就为了今天,我会很快乐亚伯拉罕-林肯说过“大多数人都是决定想怎么高兴就怎么高兴。”这已经被认为是真理Just for today I will adjust myself to what is, and not try to adjust everything to my own desires. I will take my "luck" as it comes.就为了今天,...
But to clear doubting minds and thoughts, suggestions has been raised to go for checks and probably a DNA even before her delivery. She is entering into her 6 months soon. On my submission what advice can be rendered as to certainty and about test to go for. Reply DDC on April 27, ...
We should be like good woodworkers, using our imaginations, our minds, to come up with new uses for things we consider waste. During the pandemic we even depended on our wastewater to tell us how we were doing. Even that kind of waste can be useful. Not all waste is material. Waste ...
Sometimes we can be a bit scared of trying new things. We are afraid we will l3.silly if we can’t do it properly. This can prevent us from giving new things a chance or pushing o4.forward in something we already do. If we make up our minds to try hard at the new activity and...
The most horrifying thing to most Western Evangelicals is not however, demons or ghosts or dark spirits entering our minds through movies, but doubt. Doubt that the God we follow is not actually as strong and powerful as we claim. Because, while I’m sure it would be better if we didn...
More than the luster that each award recognizes, it is the power of the word to forge minds, form opinions, and sometimes force changes that makes these ceremonies meaningful. To the 2009 PBA winners, congratulations (especially toJim ParedesofApo Hiking Societyfame who won in theBest Personal...
In case of Trump, we need to ignore Eleanor Roosevelt’s dictum that “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people”. There are no big ideas sitting on top of his personality flaws. He is entirely his flawed personality. It is not just his supporters...
Why Readers Read Readers are a huge part of your creative process. They are the recipients of your stories, and they turn the words you’ve written into entire worlds in their minds. The best writers, the writers we all return to, are those who create just enough story to intrigue us,...
Leaders in the church modulate their voices to a soothing cadence, lulling their audience into a trance-like state where harsh truths are accepted as gentle guidance instead of emotionally or spiritually abusive micromanagement. Members should be taught that they can trust their own minds, but the...