在所有英文启蒙分级读物中,I Can Read的成就是非同凡响的,因为只有他汇聚了如此多的英文儿童作品名家,让整个I Can Read每个阶段都保持了极高的内容水准。 同时,I CAN READ系列是一个特别庞大又特别经典的英文分级阅读体系。从最开始的My Very First级别开始,到My First级,再到level 1 级,level 2级,整个系列一...
幼儿园到小学都适用的I Can Read系列,从My very first,My Frist至Level4共分为6个层级。 学龄前与幼儿园学生使用的My very first,My First(预备级)和Level 1(1级)标榜使用简单的故事内容、好懂易认的单词,主要以大声阅读及分享观念为主。其中小狗Biscuit、小熊为主角的故事,其图片的吸引力搭配文字反复押韵的...
My Little Pony: Ponies on Ice (I Can Read, Level 1)我的小马:小马溜冰 [平装] [6-10岁] 喜欢 0 阅读量: 65 作者: Ruth Benjamin 绘 摘要: The ponies are having an ice-skating party, and each pony plans to share a special skating trick. But Pinkie Pie doesn't even know how to ...
level [ˈlev(ə)l] n. 水平线, 水平 liberty [ˈlɪbətɪ] n. 自由 liberate [ˈlɪbəreɪt] vt. 解放, 使获自由 liberation [lɪbəˈreɪʃ(ə)n] n. 解放 librarian [laɪˈbreərɪən] n. 图书管理员;(西方的)图书馆馆长 library [ˈla...
// typescript let a{name: string, age: number}; let b{name: string, age?: number}; // age attr for b is optional // test b = {name: 'iori'}; https://youtu.be/aUxOW6Rirhs?t=314 readonly https://youtu.be/tA5AzJBevzo?t=838 class constructor : this https://youtu.be/...
D iRead 中学英语测评(命题)研究中心 高三教师版 1 / 7 试卷编号:22008 Flesch Flesch-Kincaid 大题号 词数 题材 体裁 reading ease Grade Level 阅读理解 427 51.40 11.98 艺术 说明 63.C 64. B 65. D 66. A Section C Flesch Flesch-Kincaid 大题号 词数 题材 体裁 reading ease Grade Level 阅读...
of rooms in the man’s apartment. B. What the woman should give to her family. C. Why the man has so many clocks. D. Trouble within the man’s family. 3. A. He’s suggesting that the woman not think about it. B. He wants to know if the woman can remember it. C. He ...
if you believe firmly if you believe that i if you can tell alitt if you cant find a pa if you change ah if you close the door if you come with the if you compare if you could have tol if you could read my if you disperse if you do he thinks y if you dont lose your if...
t keep his promise. C. The woman can’t attend the meeting. D. He didn’t know what the woman thought. 7. A. The woman shouldn’t have been so rude to Jerry. B. The woman can talk to him later for more advice. C. He needs to have a whole picture of what happened. D. He...
1-10.ABABCBABBA 1-5.BCDAE Section D Will High Technology Eliminate Cultural Diversity? Thanks to high technologies, the Earth has become“ flat”. People of different nationalities and colors can know about each other through the Internet and even interact with each other by means of communicat...