Other read through each level in order. You can help your young reader improve and become more confident by encouraging his or her own interests andabilities. From books your child reads with you to the first books he or she reads alone, there are I Can Read Books for every stage of ...
所属专辑:I can read 声音简介 介绍本期内容,可吸引更多播放哦 猜你喜欢 725 《Chapter1》 by:不是思肄 2239 Claire读Chapter books by:想念FM 129 Chapter IV-Triffaz by:影视原声乐 686 Another Chapter-Strap by:嘻哈有态度 1377 雅思王Chapter8 ...
Chapter 12 442024-02 查看更多 猜你喜欢 2240 Claire读Chapter books by:想念FM 225 Love Chapter-Safaree by:嘻哈有态度 686 Another Chapter-Strap by:嘻哈有态度 141 Chapter IV-Triffaz by:影视原声乐 1429 雅思王Chapter8 by:西点国际教育 101 Chapter 1-Da Great by:小众style 763 CLOSE A CHAPTER-Nulb...
《The Berenstain Bears' Class Trip (I Can Read, Level 1)贝贝熊的班级旅行》作者:HarperCollins,出版社:2009年6月 第1版,ISBN:34.10。Brother'sclassistakingatriptothehoneyfarm.WhenMama
《Frog and Toad All Year (I Can Read, Level 2)青蛙和蟾蜍的一年 英文原版》作者:HarperCollins US,出版社:1984年9月 第1版,ISBN:34.10。Forfansofthesefamousamphibians,thecontinuationofFr
i can fly in air i can handle rejectio i can hear it like a i can hear you lady i can make up excuses i can only stare into i can prove im right i can recall staying i can see all the pas i can see clearly onc i can see that you ar i can stand up once a i cant belie...
SEE ALL I CAN READ! LEVEL 3 BOOKS Level 4: ADVANCED READINGShort paragraphs, chapters, and exciting themes for the perfect bridge to chapter books. Level 4 books are for children who are well on the road to becoming book lovers and are fully independent readers. This level features more hi...
i broke the law i broke up huh i brought the books i brown bakery cafe i buckle my belt i bursted out i bypassed allie i ca ot now i see the i calculated every mo i called the embassy i called walking out i came to hear about i can i can assure you of o i can be your lon...
In addition to her exploits as a housekeeper, there are now stories about Amelia Bedelia as a young girl in picture books, beginning readers, and a new series of chapter books that have become national bestsellers. 展开 出版时间: 2014-07-14 ...
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