I can’t tell you how many litres on average, but I always like to ensure that I’m adequately hydrated, which you can test by the clarity of your urine. But outside of the water, I drank coffee and tea. Now, most intermittent fasting guides will advise that you can only consume ca...
For our God is a jealous God and He will not tolerate other gods, forall other gods are no gods. So that the worship of anything but God is not only false but is also of Satan — for he is the great usurper, for he wanted to be as the Most High.Worship of anything else but Go...
At almost four years of age, I had not yet learned the law of diminishing returns, the irrefutable scientific facts: sugar-on-sugar becomes less sweet, salt-on-salt less satisfying. Of the tastes, only bitter becomes increasingly, more intensely of itself. Bitterer. My father retired from b...
Oh yeah, and of COURSE you can do it on less than $6 a day! Vietnamese Vermicelli Beef Salad This is one of my favorite quickie weeknight meals. The only tedious part is chopping up all the veggies (which I do in a big batch and keep in separate containers so I have enough to l...