CORS Proxy Get around the dreaded CORS error by using this proxy as a middle man No Yes Yes CountAPI Free and simple counting service. You can use it to track page hits and specific events No Yes Yes Databricks Service to manage your databricks account,clusters, notebooks, jobs and workspac...
But, if you can manage it,Twixmascan be a wonderful and even rejuvenating limbo time. Get yourself to set aside thewhat-ifsandwhat-is-to-comes: relax in the Now, and treat yourself to whatever twinkles *your* star, or just take a walk around the block to enjoy (read: make fun of)...
of love. First you lovehere, then you lovethere; first, you lovethis,yourgod, and *then* you can loveyourfamily, and then you can loveyourneighbor, and then you can loveyour… As a circle widens you can finally
a perfect plan Drown in each other like only lovers can Something is bound to come your way And I'll watch you run astray Walk amongst the others Clearly state your aim Slide beneath the covers And I will say your name In the city, crowds run wild Like ants on a farm Villains may ...
a stilt. This is pretty normal for a bashed knee and if you keep moving, the fluid pumps out, it’s just that eventually you do have to sleep. Advil to the rescue, and I can motor around the house fine this morning, but I think it’s going to be the return of the Alpine poles...
What I see is a deeply considered set of messages, so maybe I can’t help but be defensive about it. The man’s own estate speculates that “he was gatheringtogether everything that mattered to him in a work of sublime beauty which he dedicated to his beloved daughter, and granddaughter...
since my neighbor saw me outside and rushed over to talk to me. Apparently my fence has some openings in it, and her dogs are getting through to my side. Such is life in a small town. I can’t see the damaged fence because my bushes are overgrown; I promised her I will fix my ...
I was rather tired anyway from a restless night and all the morning activity. John managed to fix the clogged buried pipe problem on our neighbor’s property, getting it unplugged and watering a small field with an apple tree near the center. The tree is pretty when it blooms and wild ...
When I saw the old tobacco buck with a vintage aluminum can holding the ball of twine, I was transported back to a time I had falsely assumed would never end. Some of you, like me, remember how you spent your toddlerhood sleeping on a blanket under the barn shelter on early summer ...
the music reveals itself in a more… boring way,” he said. “You thought it was more mystical or intriguing when you didn’t hear it so clearly. I try to apply that principal to what I’m doing — so that the more you zoom in, the more the mysteries of the chords and the overt...