老招牌进军shopping mall的第一家分店在Glo Damansara,第二家则开在最近很HOT的Velocity Mall的2楼! Continue reading→ 皇者架到!大马首创猫山王榴莲蟹隆重登场! 说到Kepong吃螃蟹的好地方,第一个想到的一定是有名的肥肥蟹,虽然地点有点偏僻,但这里的生意很火爆,周末还经常要排队!他们最近还在PJ开了一家新的分...
Letar du efter sätt att skydda din WordPress admin area? Genom att skydda admin area från obehörig åtkomst allow you att blockera många vanliga säkerhetshot. Detta kan vara till hjälp om du ser många attacker på din WordPress website. I denna tutorial kommer vi...
最近发现在后台操作的时候第一次点击后台的时候会返回404错误。 仔细看的会发现地址栏少了 wp-admin 这个目录,因此造成的。 网络上搜索的结果是wordpress重定向问题,仔细查看后确实的。 这个问题都来源于使用lnmp一键安装包的用户,只要添加上最后一行即可。 修改文件:/usr/local/nginx/conf/wordpress.conf location /...
Se riuscite ancora ad accedere alla vostra area della dashboard wp-admin, ecco come disabilitare i plugin singolarmente o in gruppo.Come disabilitare un Singolo Plugin dalla Dashboard di WordPressPer iniziare, fate clic su Plugin nella barra laterale della dashboard. Quindi, fate clic sul ...
The effect was that it allowed going through the first steps of the installation, but I arrived at a step where a notice appeared: “This PC can’t run Windows 11” (as in the image). I googled a bit and learned that Windows 11 will not install in non-EFI hosts. I thought: “...
You can see that I call my new Write-ARSEventLog function but only if the debugLevel is Greater then 7. Writing to the log is going to slow down the script a little but if it’s not working you’ll find this invaluable. Don’t forget to also add the New-RandomNumber function that...