Bands like the Japandroids, PS I Love You, and Amazing/Wow are the stuff that rock music is made of, and I’m just a sucker for bands that really let their balls hang out. If you can’t say what you need to say in 3 chords and with shitty distorted singing, maybe you need to ...
播放音频 F 快乐就笑著面对 微笑 活著是乐趣 Dm7 今天最快乐是谁 是你是你对不对 Bbmaj7 C C7 C 谁 谁最坚强 谁最善良 谁就会更高尚 Fmaj7 F 悲伤最放任面对 没眼泪放于心里 Dm7 Bb 浪漫潇洒抛一句: 「快乐未一定会紧随」 C C7 晴天响雷 天空似快要流 泪 F 假使甚么都不对 假使甚么都失去 A ...