安全内参 anquanneican 首个公开针对AI工作负载的大规模攻击:数千台服务器被黑 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzI4NDY2MDMwMw==&mid=2247511333&idx=1&sn=9f701e06cae6f2b08e2a39fb543ca95c 安全客 anquanbobao NIST 成立新联盟来运营美国家漏洞数据库(NVD) https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz...
What I can say having just taken the exams is that they’re pitched at about the right level, they aren’t super deep dive exams that require the depth of experience of a seasoned IT Professional but they are exams that let you demonstrate to an employer that you’ve got more of a ...