Accordingly, in the evening, when the workmen were gone, I assembled a number of my play-fellows, and working with them diligently like so many emmets, sometimes two or three to a stone, we brought them all away and built our little wharff. The next morning the workmen were surpris...
Accordingly, in the evening, when the workmen were gone, I assembled a number of my play-fellows, and working with them diligently like so many emmets, sometimes two or three to a stone, we brought them all away and built our little wharff. The next morning the workmen were surprised at...
Cities usually have a good reason for being where they are, like a nearby port or river. People settle in these places because they are easy to get to and naturally suited to communications and trade. New York City, for ...
This temple was first built during the Qin Dynasty. → The time ___ .(Rewrite the sentences using relative clauses) 2022/12/13 | 49次组卷 | 3卷引用:人教版2019教材课后题-必修二 相似题 纠错 详情 收藏 We met a professional archaeologist at the entrance to...
A(2021江苏扬州)1.wonderful 【解析】句意:我和父母去海南的旅行很愉快。此处作定语修饰journey,用 wonder的形容词形式。2.son's【解析】句意:带有卡通图案的壁纸很适合我儿子的房间。son“儿子”,名词,设空处修饰后面的名词 room,因此应用其所有格形式。3.earlier【解析】句意:第二天早上,他比平时起得更早去...
This chapel, quite new, having been built only six years, was entirely in that charming taste of delicate architecture, of marvellous sculpture, of fine and deep chasing, which marks with us the end of the Gothic era, and which is perpetuated to about the middle of the sixteenth century ...
Years ago, my family moved into a new house near the woods. My father built a sandbox in our yard. The cat sometimes used the sandbox for a litter box, so my father had to put a plastic cover over it .When I wanted to build sand castles, I had to pull the cover off. ...
It was built of horizontal planks, and so badly put together that, as he bent over his high desk, he was barred from neck to heels with narrow strips of sunlight. There was no need to open the big shutter to see. It was hot there, too; big flies buzzed fiendishly and did not ...
I promised Li Ming I would keep the secret to.(我自己)53. So far, China has built nearly 600,000 cultural centers in.(村庄54. I'm not sure how I feel about that, with mybirthday coming.(第十八)55. There is a low brick wallthe garden and the field beyond.(在…之间) 4完成...
满分秘诀二、动作链(AandB型,A,BandC型)6 满分秘诀三、独立主格结构/with复合结构6 满分秘诀四、非谓语短语(作主语、宾语、状语、定语、宾语补足语等)6 满分秘诀五、介词短语位于句首7 满分秘诀六、环境描写8 满分秘诀七、主题升华句8 范文背诵9