I bought a Tesla. A base rear-drive Model 3 to be specific, in white. The only option I selected was the white interior, which matches quite well with...
2019 Tesla Model 3 SR+ RWD | Build Thread: 2019 Tesla Model 3 SR+ RWD - Build Thread After many years of painfully taking care of my parents aging Hyundai Elantra, my brother and I decided it was time to get them in a Tesla. Both of us already have Tesla...
IGIFTFIRE特斯拉ModelY/3焕新版双层天窗遮阳帘隔热防晒高档纳米冰晶二合一 ModelY-黑色【天窗】 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 选择颜色 ModelY-原车色【天窗】 ModelY-黑色【天窗】 ModelY-原车色【天窗+后档】 ...
Model 3作为封闭式前脸的设计鼻祖,在车头依然保持了内凹式的型面设计,下方进气口呈梯形设计,与上方两条贯穿车头的线条相互呼应,宽大的开口有助于优化风阻表现,LED头灯拥有刀锋式的灯腔设计。车身侧面延续了现款设计,低矮的车身和较低的底盘设计进一步增强了车辆的动感。车尾部分的LOGO已更换为全新的“TESLA”英文...
---I'd like to own a Tesla Model 3 because of its minimalist interior with a large touchscreen, being eco-friendly and cutting-edge technology, which also helps reduce my carbon footprint~~~ ---LOV...
Model 3作为封闭式前脸的设计鼻祖,在车头依然保持了内凹式的型面设计,下方进气口呈梯形设计,与上方两条贯穿车头的线条相互呼应,宽大的开口有助于优化风阻表现,LED头灯拥有刀锋式的灯腔设计。车身侧面延续了现款设计,低矮的车身和较低的底盘设计进一步增强了车辆的动感。车尾部分的LOGO已更换为全新的“TESLA”英文标识...
Armen HareyanTorqueNews
IGIFTFIRE特斯拉model3/y/x/s车头尾标车贴tesla字母改装合金ABS材质spacex ModelY前+后车标【请备注颜色】图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
Would it beat a Tesla 3? Could it our perform a Porsche Taycan? Is it as modern as a Rivian? Competing on this level meant that the project continued in secret. Recently we heard that it would not have the fully autonomous driving that was originally touted, but then just yesterd...