保罗承认,在转变皈依基督教前,他曾“无可估量地”迫害过“上帝的教会(Church of God)”,更具体地说,是迫害那些返回耶路撒冷地区的原散居在外的希腊化犹太人。 根据神学家詹姆斯·邓恩(James Dunn)的说法,耶路撒冷社区(Jerusalem community)包括“希伯来人(Hebrews)”——说亚拉底语(Aramic)和希腊语(Greek)的犹太人...
Bob Marley was a Rastafari, who believe that the the descendants of the people of Israel settled in Ethiopia in Africa, and that Europeans later whitewashed Christianity. The best line is "emancipate yourself from mental slavery".Do You Hear the People Sing - Les Misérables The great protest ...
“尊敬父母('Honour thy father and thy mother')”,“以安息日为圣日('Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy')”,禁止“偶像崇拜('Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image')”、“亵渎神明('"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain')”、“谋杀(...