英语翻译i beg your pardon 这句英语从字面上理解.是我请求您的原谅.为什么会是请再说一遍呢? 答案 请你再说一遍对不起请你原谅请再说一遍pardon 英 ['pɑːd(ə)n] 美 ['pɑrdn] 请再说一遍相关推荐 1英语翻译i beg your pardon 这句英语从字面上理解.是我请求您的原谅.为什么会是请再说一...
I beg your pardon.意思:是请你原谅.而I beg your pardon?意思是:请你再说一遍(我没听清楚) 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 可以理解为,pardon有两个意思,原谅和重复一遍实际上都是I'm sorry 的意思,因为I'm sorry在口语中也有 请你再说一遍(我没听清楚)的意思 ...
i bag your pardon的意思 "I beg your pardon"是一种礼貌用语,常用于向别人表示道歉、请求对方再次重复或解释某件事情的意思。这个短语意味着对方可能没有听清楚或者理解错误,所以说话人请求对方再次表达或阐述他们的意思。它可以用于各种情境,包括在对话中请求对方再次解释、请求对方再次说出他们刚刚说的话,或者在犯...
The meaning of BEG ONE'S PARDON is —the phrase I beg your pardon is used in polite speech to apologize when one has done something impolite or has made a mistake —It can be used to show that one is annoyed or offended by something that another person h
但是pardon 属于比较“正式”的用词,如果在一个“非正式”的场合用了“正式”的词,反而容易让人不舒服,如果用讽刺性或攻击性的语调,就容易冒犯他人。 当没听清别人的话,用真诚的语气说pardon 其实并不会引起误会太严重的误会,虽然可能会给别人一种书生气、呆板的感觉。 但是“I beg your pardon"可千万不能乱...
英语为什么同样的短语,不同的意思!I beg your pardon.意思:是请你原谅.而I beg your pardon?意思是:请你再说一遍(我没听清楚) 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 可以理解为,pardon有两个意思,原谅和重复一遍实际上都是I'm sorry 的意思,因为I'm sorry在口语中也有 请你再说一遍(我没听清楚)的意思 ...
I beg your pardon Dictionary Thesaurus Legal Acronyms Encyclopedia 1. IapologizeforwhatIjustdidorsaid.Oh,Ibegyourpardon.Iwasn'tlookingwhereIwasgoing. 2.Whatdidyoujustsay?Couldyoupleaserepeatthat?Ibegyourpardon,Icouldn'tquitehearyou. 3. Anexpressionorexclamationofindignationorincredulousdisbelief.A:"I...
I beg your pardon - Meaning and Usage: Many a time, you would not have known how to strongly disagree in a polite manner or make your listener understand that you are not very happy with whatever they said or did. Well, here is what you can say - “I beg
Discover More Example Sentences "There goes Miss Thank-you-I-beg-your-pardon," said the young lady who had wondered if 2884 were a spy. From Project GutenbergWord of the DayJune 06, 2024interdigitate [in-ter-dij-i-teyt ]Meaning and examples Start each day with the Word of the Day ...