Differences between the two types of source rocks and their derived granites are due to the sedimentary source material having been previously weathered at the Earth's surface. Chemically, the S-type granites are lower in Na, Ca, Sr and Fe3+/Fe2+, and higher in Cr ...
The composition and origin of Earth’s earliest continental crust remains enigmatic due to the absence of Hadean (>4 Ga) age rocks. Here we address this question by using machine learning to examine the provenance of the 4.4–3.3 Ga Jack Hills zircons
Regarding S-type granites, they must have crystallized under fO2 lower than 10 bars.doi:10.1007/s00710-019-00670-2Jordania Cristina dos Santos DiasLeonardo GonalvesCristiane C. GonalvesSpringer ViennaMineralogy and Petrology
Granites and related volcanic rocks of the Lachlan Fold Belt can be grouped into suites using chemical and petrographic data. The distinctive characteristics of suites reflect source-rock features. The first-order subdivision within the suites is between those derived from igneous and from sedimentary ...
Three granitoid types are recognised in the Famatinian magmatic belt of NW Argentina, based on lithology and new geochemical data: (a) a minor trondhjemite–tonalite–granodiorite (TTG) group, (b) a metaluminous I-type gabbro-monzogranite suite, and (c) S-type granites. The latter occur as...
This volume celebrates 25 years of the I- and S-type classification system of granites. That classification, first published in an extended abstract in 1974 (reprinted in the first paper in this issue), was the result of years of collaboration between Bruce Chappell and Allan White. Most of ...
参考文献:Marie A. Kieffer, Sarah A.S. Dare, Marylou Gendron,Trace element discrimination diagrams to identify igneous apatite from I-, S- and A-type granites and mafic intrusions: Implications for provenance studies and mineral exploration,Chemical Geology,Volume 649,2024 ...
I-type granites, aplites and pegmatites outcropping in Mesozoic metamorphic belt of the southeastern coast of Fujian Province contain commonly magmatic garnets and primary muscovites. 闽东南沿海晚中生代变质带内出露的I型花岗岩、细晶岩和伟晶岩中常包含岩浆成因的石榴子石和原生白云母。 3. The rock ...
Hence, the felsic haplogranites of the Lachlan belt dominantly formed initially as primary melts that separated from restite and less often by the fractionation of more mafic melts. Source rocks of the I- and S-type granites were undersaturated or oversaturated in Al, respectively, and the ...
Granites crop out over 20% of the total exposed area of the Lachlan fold belt and comprise subequal proportions of I and S types. Major Sn mineralization is related to S- and I-type granites that are both reduced and have undergone extended feldspar-dominated crystal fractionation. Mo showing...