专辑:I Am Yours 歌手:Andy Grammer I Am Yours - Andy Grammer Just another love song from a simple man I've been searching for some chords underneath these hands So I can try to tell you I love you You know I need you like your oxygen ...
I’m Yours Chords Just 4 chords will see you through the easy version of this song (there are a few more in the middle section which I’ve not included in this post) and they are C, Am, F and G. The good news is that’s a pretty easy set of chords and shouldn’t trouble you...
[ Tab from: http://www.guitartabs.cc/tabs/j/jason_mraz/im_yours_crd_ver_3.html ]C G I won't hesitate no more,Am F no more, it cannot wait i'm yours C G Well open up your mind and see like me Am open up your plans and damn you're free F look into...
Whole thing is pretty much repeated riffs in the key of C, centered around E, but these chords sound pretty good strummed. --Southpaw13 I Am Yours Churchill Change EP Intro: Am(7 counts) G(1) C(2) G(1) Am(5) 2x Am I'm tired of fighting you so I'll say what you want me ...
Download & Print I'm Yours for ukulele (chords) by Jason Mraz (version 3). Ukulele chords and lyrics may be included. High-Quality PDF to download.
get more "clicking")发出“咔”的声音:轻轻地把手指从品格上抬起,但仍保持和弦的指形。然后你就会发出这种声音(用拨片可以获得更多“咔”声)this is an example of how to play the chords.这是如何弹奏和弦的示例。y= gently lift your fingers and strum downwards (clickin sound)y= 轻抬...
Guitar2(allchordshavesomeweirdupbeatpalm-mutingstuffgoingon listentothesongforpicking) |--7--2--11--10--| |--7--2--12--10--| |--8--3--13--11--|playthischordprogressiontwotimes |--9--4--13--12--| |--9--4--11--12--| |--7--2--11--10--| Verse: |--7--2--11...
I'm Yours 和弦谱:I'm Yours 编辑 收藏 音乐人:Jason Mraz 热度: 收藏数:37 难度:1级 E 此浏览器不支持画布 播放音频 和弦谱是弹唱过程中 为便于演唱而在歌词上方标记相应和弦名称的一种简单的记谱形式 关于右手节奏型 无论是吉他还是尤克里里 例如4/4拍、2/4拍、3/4拍的节拍各不相同 扫弦或...
(all chords have some weird up beat palm-muting stuff going on listen to the song for picking) |--7--2--11--10--| |--7--2--12--10--| |--8--3--13--11--| play this chord progression two times |--9--4--13--12--| |--9--4--11--12--| |--7--2--11--10--...