Worthy No. 88 Christian & Gospel $1.29 Elevation Worship O Come to the Altar (Live) No. 89 Christian & Gospel $1.29 Josiah Queen My Promised Land No. 90 Christian & Gospel $0.69 Bethel Music & Jenn Johnson No One Like The Lord (Live) ...
But in my view, the end goals of shrinking the size and scope of our federal government and restoring a free, private-sector-driven economy are worthy, and we can weather any short-term pain along the way and perhaps fend off that looming “debt maturity wall.” Nevertheless, given the ...
I wasn’t a particular fan of Bobby Darin or even of Kevin Spacey (for all that he is the definitive Jamie Tyrone of our generation and frankly I don’t care about anything else); actually I just wanted to find out how cheesy the production could get. Well honestly, it did start off...
Ray Charlessadly passed away just four months before his rags-to-riches journey was depicted on the big screen (he had, however, approved a Braille reading of the script). But the general consensus is thatJamie Foxxdid the man proud. ...
In the opening paragraph of my book, Defending Women’s Spaces, published in November 2022, I quoted Wadhwa’s submission to the 2016 Transgender Equality Report published by the government’s Women and Equalities Committee where he bemoaned ‘I am disappointed to think that someone has the right...
On my last day in Savannah, checked out of my hotel and car retrieved, I had some time to kill before I headed to the airport to fly home. So, I ventured out to Tybee Island. Just 15 miles outside of Savannah, it was a beach community. Not really beach worthy, I was able to ...
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Paul gives us the key to overcoming the anxieties of life...
They think of course I am. I’m the most beautiful one in the room. When you have a child that is being groomed by a narcissist, you must do everything you can to get back to teaching the core values that we instill in our children when they are young. That is the only advice ...
During that time, I wrote a record and I am excited to announce that it will be out Jan. 18th, 2019. Here is the first single, “Comeback Kid.” See you soon. Heart, Sharon LISTEN The cover art is appropriate for a new mother like Sharon. The two kids in the photo are not hers...
I dunno. It is impressive how the whole room expands and stores away depending on how you configure it. And as an experiment, I think it is impressive. Is it practical? Of course not. But it is well worth checking out, especially if you are a fan of small spaces like I am. ...