他学到了很多地道的英语口语表达,当他在看一部美剧时,他无意中看到一个人说“I am a meat and potato man”,他不明白那个人为什么用Meat和Potato来形容自己,后来通过查阅资料和问了周围的朋友,才知道是"简单朴素"的意思,但是他想让我讲解一下,在美国是不是也有很多人用这个表达来形容他自己或者其他人?
I'm good. 这时需翻译为“我很好”,面对生活中真实发生的“How are you?”回答“I am fine”的人几乎绝迹,因为“I am fine”会给人一种“我好的很,不用你管”的高冷感。 03 It killed me 中式翻译:它杀了我. 地道翻译:这让我...
他学到了很多地道的英语口语表达,当他在看一部美剧时,他无意中看到一个人说“I am a mouse potato”,他不明白那个人为什么用mouse和Potato来形容自己,后来通过查阅资料和问了周围的朋友,才知道是"电脑迷"的意思,但是他想让我讲解一下,在美国是不是也有很多人用Potato这个词来形容他自己或者其他人?
Usually I’d be feeling like a loner, even in the middle of the band, but tonight, in June 1964, at The Who’s first show at the Railway Hotel in Harrow, West London, I am invincible." ---Chapter Three, You Didn't See It (对自己的外婆): "I wish I could say I felt sorry ...
英语趣味哲学短片Who Am I ?《是什么定义了我?》 是什么定义了我? 每个人从柔嫩的婴儿变成垂垂老矣的躯体,身体细胞更新迭代,生命记忆不复长存,一辈子只有一个名字,并认为自己是一个相对稳定的个体。但一生中,我们是否能认为自己...
I am what I am. This sentence means “I am who/what/that I am.” Here, “what I am” is a
Who am I?When I am a baby, the river is my bome. I have many brothers and sisters. I swim and play all day with them. At that time. I have no legs. I have a long tail (巴). Llook like a fish After some time, my tail becomes shorter and shorter(变得 ). I have two...
《I am Who I am and I Deserve the Best》(我就是我,不一样的烟火)! “Trophy Child” 在场的各位叔叔阿姨,老师同学们,大家下午好! 我是黄天一,今年9岁,来自昆明。今天,我演讲的主题是——I am who I am and I deserve all the best!
Ha ha, no Victor. It just means that I can help him and am the right person to do the job! (哈哈,不是的小小常。I'm your man意思是我能帮助常爸,我是录网课的合适人选。) 小小常 Oh! I get it now! (那我知道...
Am I still myself? Most of us would say: yes,sure. What if I once spoke Latin and lose the ability, or forgot how to cook asparagus with a light mayonnaise sauce? Would I still be me ? Yes. In other words, technical capa...