Catholic clergy atalllevels have done an immeasurable amount of damage to their victims, but instead of doing the right thing, the church is going to weasel out of as much responsibility as it possibly can. So, Mr. Eckery, here’s your assignment: Pick up the chalk and write 100 times... Moses HerzogAugust 7, 2024 at 9:58 am The 90 day graph is the fascinating one to me. josephAugust 7, 2024 at 10:41 am Here are two pictures of contrast. Look carefully at...
I am aware that a number of websites featured in this list rely on operating under obscurity, and that this list could potentially contribute to their demise through excess exposure. I'm sorry about that - I just like making lists.
Technicallyit doesn’t, but it’s really all just weasel words on Apple’s part. They have indeed backdoored their own software, though, making the end points for the encryption compromised. So if they’re not using an open protocol that allows for a drop-in replacement of Messages thati...
“I am powerless.” “I give up, what’s up?” Well it is you…You are what’s up. Yes I hold you responsible. Anyone that accepts that they are powerless is a liar. Yes you are a liar if you think you have no power.
Because I check my email obsessively, even when in the bathroom, because my name is Jessica, and I am an interwebaholic. The first step is admitting you have a problem. The lovely Marian also was writing to say that she was putting a comment I’d left on her blog on the back ...
I am using this on my Iphone 5 on my field trips. It is totally self-contain for off line use. Very accurate tracking expert guides me as I look around. Better than any field manual I ever own. The developer fix the small wording in two days. So the text is now easy to read. ...
Though I didn’t try it, they also serve the famousKopi Luwak (weasel coffee)which is made from coffee beans that has been eaten and passed through the digestive system of the animal, undigested. The resulting beans, when washed and sun-dried, undergo a remarkable change to produce a uniq...
I'm reading about <a href="">Darth Vader</a> on Wikipedia! You can quote someone like this: Darth Vader said <blockquote>Luke, I am your father.</blockquote> Leave a Reply Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked...
This is not the first such negative report, either. Yet still the project moves forward because, well, there’s that $30 billion we should have spent back in 2009 and if we don’t spend it, heck, Congress might just take it back. ...