1241 LikeGIF Report by:AnimationBro 1615 30.05.2019
我土豆你?感觉很奇怪是不? 吉米老师告诉大家,其实它的真正意思是“我超喜欢你”。 Urban Dictionary这样解释:I potato you is between I like you and I love you,it represents the stage between a crush and love(I potato...
After all, it is a fun PowerPoint night. In addition, you can match your friends with memes. Describe your friends with a meme. 7) Ranking Disney characters: This is pretty self-explanatory. You can create a list of which Disney characters are best and which are worst. Give your present...
I was guilty of none of the above. This is the meme I posted that resulted in my virtual incarceration. I see nothing offensive, do you? I just thinks it's funny!
As I waste time doomscrolling through text based social media or reels, I will often stop and ask myself: why am I doing this? Why am I not reading a book or watching a movie? After many an hour wasted on the couch with my phone, I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s not tha...
《Faded》 MV在YouTube的播放量就高达31 亿次,他曾经在Instagram上发布过一张照片,照片中他高举双手比成一个心形想对粉丝说I love you,但因为动作不到位,看起来更像一个土豆,有个女粉丝,看到后激动地说:I want to say I potato you, hahahaha... .而Alan回说:It just became a meme(模因, 模仿传递...
Get a random meme image: <img src="https://api.assetroulette.com/random_meme"> Get a random image from Unsplash: <img src="https://api.assetroulette.com/random_unsplash"> Get a random CSS definition for base classes: <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://api.assetroulette.com/random....
When the hell are you going to use these? I had to wear pocket-less shorts for basketball and flag football to prevent fingers getting caught, but are there any other uses? I have a pair and I NEVER wear them, even at home, because where am I supposed to put my phone? The waistban...
Anita Blake (Anita Blake, Vampire HunterSeries by Laurell K. Hamilton) – You wouldn’t believe how over Anita Blake I am. I lasted maybe 10 books, and probably more than half of those books were hate-reads because I was sick to death of An...
its melanated glory, was black twitter. more than a decade later, black twitter has become the most dynamic subset not only of twitter but of the wider social internet. capable of creating, shaping, and remixing popular culture at light speed, it remains the incubator of nearly every meme ...