“You shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, …” (Exodus 20:5). For our God is a jealous God and He will not tolerate other gods, for all other gods are no gods. So that the worship of anything but God is not only false ...
if his opponent obstr if however if i if i aint got you spa if i am getting ready if i cant make you ca if i could find the p if i could only find if i could read your if i could take this if i did it all again if i died today if i dont give you up if i ever had...
Whack Your ComputerApple ArcadeAlba: A Wildlife Adventure Angry Birds Reloaded Asphalt 8: Airborne+ Blek+ Bloons TD 6+ Bridge Constructor+ Crossy Road Castle Cut the Rope Remastered Dead Cells+ Doodle God Universe Filpflop Solitaire+ Fruit Ninja Classic+ Game Dev Story+ Garden Tails: Match and ...
O.M.N.I.G.O.D可以通过眼睛来发射一道紫色的激光,并且目标在被接触的一瞬间会造成无法想象的伤害,目标的代码会被全部删除,并且激光所经过的地方会开始塌陷,全部化为虚空。并且目标无法以任何方法来免疫或者恢复其带来的影响。 七、厄运之火 O.M.N.I.G.O.D可以吐出紫色的火焰,可以融化一切(包括且不限于空...
am frÖhlichsten am gierigsten am global strategic o am i crazy just wasti am i ready to lay dow am i scary for you am i wrong to wish th am import variable du am in for are in for am losesten am loving living ever am new york am reifsten am se am strengsten am-esp ama de...
* Journal or create affirmation from a Bible verse * Moods Bible: Daily encouragement from the Word of God DAILY CHRISTIAN AFFIRMATIONS * Record Bible based Christian affirmations in your voice * Create new affirmations depending on how God leads you ...
"That's what I'll do, even if I am the brother of an archdeacon!" "Fine gentry are our people of the university, not to have caused our privileges to be respected on such a day as this! However, there is a maypole and a bonfire in the town; a mystery, Pope of the Fools, ...
I responded to the question Max put forth that went something like this: will you be prepared to reply when the time comes for you to respond about your faith that could mean your death, as it did for Queen Esther and Mordechai? I am barely comfortable when I have to respond, and it...
I’m sure she also remembered and held on tightly to her words, spoken to an angel over thirty years ago, “I am the Lord’s servant. May it be as you have said.” Often in our lives, things happen that have a lasting impact on us. Impactful things. Both good and bad; big and...
|GRAMMYs/Mar 5, 2022 - 02:15 am GotyeandKimbra's "Somebody That I Used To Know" was an undeniable smash in 2012, as proven by its Record Of The Year win at the 2013 GRAMMY Awards. But while winning a GRAMMY is certainly a special honor, Gotye was most...