A genuine apology can make both parties feel better. When you say “sorry” in a caring way, it relieves your heart and mind. It lightens the baggage of hard feelings against someone or the sense of guilt within. Although taking responsibility for your mistakes can be hard, you should not...
"I am sorry" may be the toughest three words to say, but they can heal wounded hearts. Here are famous quotes of apology, remorse, and making amends.
I'm sorry quotes can help enhance an apology by emphasizing an important point that you're trying to make while saying you're sorry. Maybe you find it hard to apologize to your boyfriend or girlfriend, or just can't put into words what you really want to say. These quotes will help....
“It’s more than saying sorry. It’s meaning it. It’s letting the apology change things. But an apology is where it has to begin.“ Neil Gaiman 22. “Apology is not about saying I’m sorry, but it is about the meaning you put behind the apology and admitting that you are the ...
29) I know why you’re not accepting my apology! you want me to pamper and cajole you all day. But you don’t need to put your forgiveness on hold for that, I’ll do that anyway. 30) I don’t have anything to show you how sorry I am, except the tears in my eyes. Give me...
Saying "I am sorry" is important, but it is just the first step in an apology. Pixabay The Apology Poem I’ll tell you what really riles me-- It’s the non-apology apology. It begins with, “If you were offended”-- Now that is an apology up-ended. It adds new offense to the...
18) I know you will never be able to forgive my actions but I hope the tears in my eyes will make you forgive my heart. Dad, this apology is for all years I have spent hating you when you spent loving me. I am sorry. 19) I am sorry not just because I lied, but because I ...
⏩I know I was wrong; this is why I am writing to you with a heartfelt apology. I hope you can forgive me, but please take all the time you need. ⏩I will always regret how I treated you. While I can’t take back what I did I hope I will have a chance to prove my dev...
And of course, as for all of us, you don’t just want me to say, “I’m sorry, Brené.” You want me to get it, because this is what the apology is really about. You want me to get it and to feel it. BB: Okay. HL: Okay, so I’m your mom. Let me have it. BB: ...
I am very sorry. Copy to Clipboard [+] Fav (Need Sign in) All that I ask is that you accept my apology .please. Copy to Clipboard [+] Fav (Need Sign in) I am so sorry that I made your day miserable. That was not my intent. Copy to Clipboard [+] Fav (Need Sign in...