Raising A Bat(Bagjwi Sayug)is a Korean webcomic (or ‘manhwa’) that puts a supernatural twist on the problematic ‘seme‘/’uke‘ (dominant/submissive) relationship dynamic that most BL falls into. ‘Park Min Gyeom’[pictured left, below]suffers from a rare blood disease called hemochromato...
(manhwa is okay too!) Madokami Requires sign-up (currently closed), see mirrors below. Madokami 0-E Download manga titles named 0 to E. Madokami F-K Download manga titles named F to K. Madokami L-Q Download manga titles named L to Q. Madokami R-Z Download manga titles named R to ...
I am an example of such a person. I often skip lunch or dinner. I work at night. At the end of my shift the company provides breakfast so I eat that. I go home, read a bit then sleep, I wake up then hurriedly prepare to go to work again. Mostly I also skip dinner. (I ...
Going into this book, I was afraid of it being too preachy or perhaps boring. But instead, it was engaging to the point that I was glued to the pages and completed it without taking a break. The story and the main characters spoke to me and made me root for them. I am sure I h...